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  1. #1
    Conscript littledevall's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    LaLa Land

    Weekend event rates for reinforcement

    i hate to burst anybodies bubble, but the rates are the same during and outside of weekend event boosts. theres only two ways you could be increasing the rates. #1 50% + 50% more of that rate, which would make it 75% success rate or #2 50% plus an additional 50% which makes 100% success rates.

    either way, there should be a noticable change in success rates and i didnt really see it if there was any. that could be because youre using the first way i stated to increase rates. increasing a small success rate by a percentage of that rate really doesnt increase it much at all....or....you think youre turning the rates up and it really isnt. either way, it couldnt hurt to check. please hear me out GM ^_^ if im saying something about it, then there might actually be something to check...like it or not, i am smart and i think youre starting to see it for the first time. lets go for a swim in this ocean of oxygen and nitrogen we call the atmosphere, eh? (does back stroke through the "air")

    i managed to +12 a piece of gear earlier on just a few tries, which if the boost is working during events and disable outside of events, should have been even harder.
    i could be wrong and just had a lucky streak going, but to me it seems like the rates are the same if not increased by a minuscule amount.

    Last edited by littledevall; 06-30-2021 at 03:47 PM.
    Long Live Rohan!

  2. #2
    Hello littledevall, the boosts is for base % rates. For example, you have a 5% success rate and if there is a 50% boost that mean you will have a 7.5%. With items with high success chances you will notice a great increase.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by littledevall View Post
    i hate to burst anybodies bubble, but the rates are the same during and outside of weekend event boosts. theres only two ways you could be increasing the rates. #1 50% + 50% more of that rate, which would make it 75% success rate or #2 50% plus an additional 50% which makes 100% success rates.

    either way, there should be a noticable change in success rates and i didnt really see it if there was any. that could be because youre using the first way i stated to increase rates. increasing a small success rate by a percentage of that rate really doesnt increase it much at all....or....you think youre turning the rates up and it really isnt. either way, it couldnt hurt to check. please hear me out GM ^_^ if im saying something about it, then there might actually be something to check...like it or not, i am smart and i think youre starting to see it for the first time. lets go for a swim in this ocean of oxygen and nitrogen we call the atmosphere, eh? (does back stroke through the "air")

    i managed to +12 a piece of gear earlier on just a few tries, which if the boost is working during events and disable outside of events, should have been even harder.
    i could be wrong and just had a lucky streak going, but to me it seems like the rates are the same if not increased by a minuscule amount.


    Try 200x +6 on weekdays, write down success/fail
    Try 200x +6 on weekends (with boost), write down success/fail

    Compare....and you can speak up. You call yourself smart and base rates on statistically inaccurate information with an N smaller than ur peepee

  4. #4
    Conscript littledevall's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    LaLa Land


    Quote Originally Posted by VeniVidiVerde View Post

    Try 200x +6 on weekdays, write down success/fail
    Try 200x +6 on weekends (with boost), write down success/fail

    Compare....and you can speak up. You call yourself smart and base rates on statistically inaccurate information with an N smaller than ur peepee
    i really dont need to tally it up, i feel it out. ty, though hA! im offically the coolest uncool person in rohan because your comment alone is contagious...it spreads cool to everyone who comes in contact with you xD IM COOL IN A NOT SO COOL WAY! WOOT! i'd give that a try, but i get the feeling i wont need to now have you seen the amount of lucky people getting high lvl reinforcements in the studio today? whew, i havent seen anybody hit +20 until today without event boosts.

    if at all possible, would you tell me who told you my secret...you know....about that winky problem i have?

    thanks for commenting
    Long Live Rohan!

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