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  1. #11
    Conscript amalager's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Umbrella Corporation Research Facility
    Quote Originally Posted by DeaDeot View Post
    Please Help My ID stuck when logging in, always Said ID has Connected do u want to disconnected it? i choose ok but its always pop up again so i cant login my ID
    ive been sent a ticket, and for how long they will response to my ticket?
    The fastest would be to look for any GMs in-game. You can send a whisp to GM Miswa, GM Winterflood or GM Unica using an alternate character. If they don't respond they are probably AFK so when that happens just send a ticket and they should probably see it within an hour or so.

    Amalager - Assassin
    Arus Server

  2. #12
    Does anyone found the solution?
    I do experiencing the same problem
    i just reinstalled my windows due too laggy and it works fine before i reinstalled
    now i cant play
    i got no anti virus or any programs just system program
    please help me if anyone of you has the solution

  3. #13
    oiiiii gm or anybody help me

    sorry my english so bad hehehh

    i have a problem with gg and i dont know how to fix, someone please help me to clear this is problem

    the game patch is success full but when gg run i have a trouble
    and just gift information like this
    no code error

    i confused coz there are no code so i cant search on google to find the way????????

    yang ngerasa orang indo bantu ane gan

  4. #14
    help me or i spam on many every thread hahahah just kidding, please help yeah....

  5. #15
    Guard NicoIas's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Pokemon Land

    You should send a ticket to GMs, they will answer you as fast as they can. Go to this link. Make sure to give them the screenshots so they can give you better assistance.

    Maybe you have a program in your PC that's interfering with Game Guard?

    While you wait for an answer from the GMs you could try to reinstall the game completly? Or try deleting Game Guard folder and try starting the game (it'll download again, don't worry), maybe you have a missing file.

    ~ We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit. ~

  6. #16
    hei there. im suffering a very slow/fps drop gaming experience on seal BOD. is there any fix?

  7. #17
    gm please respon my send ticket .i have problems with grabbit reward #281749 and 281712 . please fast respon gm

  8. #18
    GM, can you help me to move back my Item Mall in my character. I put in a wrong server. please hep

  9. #19
    thanks GM for helping my problem. Finally I can play seal online bod again

    big respect thankyou

  10. #20
    can someone help me with messenger error? "Not connected to messenger server"
    I've restart my pc, change connection but still the same..
    please help me to fix this

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