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  1. #1

    Rohan Online Database

    From those retro games, this one was a hard to find in terms of game guides.
    Well, I found this https://rohan.fandom.com/wiki/Items but it is too incomplete and was made for RBF Days compared to the game guides you can find from other famous retro games such as Ragnarok, Flyff, Ran, RF, Cabal, and so on.

    I can see that you have this https://rev.playrohan.com/Guide/Info# but this is too broad and mostly like a guide for above 90.
    I suggest you should create a better Database Guide.
    Consolidate those existing and Add those more informing.

    I believe below are the common information we should find:
    • Race List -> Job Class -> Skills
    • Map List -> Areas/Dungeons -> Monsters
    • Monster List -> Level -> Drops
    • Item List -> Type -> Detailed Info

    With this, I'm sure a lot of players will be interested on making New Characters as they will know where to find most useable items and not limited to those Item Hoarders.

  2. #2
    at this point all the old quests from RBF are still for the most part available and completable. They just added a bunch of new one over the top of them yet they have done absolutely nothing as far as a comprehensive guide. i strongly suspect that this is because there is no one left at pwi that even has a clue as to the actual in game functions created by their predecessors. they are far more concerned with releasing and forcing new content on us when as players we must rely on memory to do quest. a complete and thurough guide cant be found because one has never been created any guides you do find are player created and sublect to prefference and lack total objectivity. saddy the current cadre of devs and gms just like the last 5 or so times they were replaced cant or wont make a complete guide because none of them acually have any idea how these quests that they didnt create work nor do they possess the desire to learn them. gameplay however would be much more enjoyable if they did

  3. #3
    Hello DReaMeRAshy, we have been working on guides, soon we will post it in : https://rev.playrohan.com/Guide/Info# and we will add your suggestion to our report.

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