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  1. #1
    Conscript littledevall's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    LaLa Land

    Merged Inventory

    Could we make the Merged Inventory items movable within the window and turn items into stacks? At the rate I'm going, I'll have 20-30 pages worth of items within the year and most of it will be items that can be stacked. I also see a few other items that could be made into stacks like seals, patterns and hunter kits. I think it could also be modified to add to an existing stack and save players the time and effort of stacking it themselves.
    Long Live Rohan!

  2. #2
    Hello littledevall, when you move an item from event inventory they auto stack, but from mall they don't. Some items that you mention can't be stacked because you need to unseal it. But we will add your suggestion to our report.

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