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  1. #1

    Cassandra Quest?

    I've played the game for a very long time and am trying to get back into it, thought the ferkens and other Cassandra rewards were a good way to keep the game going and helps because there will be more diversity with characters. However now if you create a new character you no longer get these Cassandra benefits which I think really hurts the game. I just got back into the game and don't really know how to make anything or what's best now so that was really my best shot.

  2. #2
    Hello Mattyhew. Please be informed that the event that contains the Cassandra quest and Vengeance package will come back soon. Unfortunately, we won't be able to give you an exact date.
    Stay tuned to our Facebook and forum in order to be informed.

  3. #3
    Thank you, I'm glad you guys can listen to your community sometimes I just wish you did more as the game might have a higher amount of players if you took in what we had to say.

  4. #4
    Hello Mattyhew, we always listen to the community, but keep in mind that we cannot give everything they ask at the same time, so we rotate the events. Stay tuned.

  5. #5
    when will the cassandra event return? I want to play again and I found this help very good

  6. #6
    Hello Alysson, soon it will be added, stay tuned.

  7. #7
    im 4days online no off my computer nothing ferken claim and cassandra quest im level 70 why GM?

  8. #8
    this was once in the time a event quest. so right now not avaible. but manny old npc got removed but quests still in the system

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