Quote Originally Posted by Demonic6000 View Post
NamV and what if you didn't enjoy for what you've paid for? I mean what do you say to returning people or the ones who just started playing and investing into progress of this game? They came back or started playing, spent money to get to the endgame faster, but unfortunately game is closing and all your investment goes down the drain. I wouldn't call that an enjoying the game, when you haven't realized the goal you were charging for.

In this game I've been had already for the 4th time. Started the game from zero 3 times already. So please understand that I don't agree with any point you've made so far. I've been scammed, changed servers, got scammed by merger, got scammed by origin closure, and now the ultimate scam - closure. At this point I've been scammed more by the company than in-game scammers. When you invest as much as few others in this game, maybe then you can speak your opinions freely, but atm please just shut your mouth otherwise it smells. Imagine if you buy a car, and if company goes lights-out and then they come and take your car away, that you've already paid for, not very good feeling huh? Sure you might have enjoyed that car ride from salon to you home, but not enjoyed enough to to pay thousands of dollars for it.

I think with this move though they are digging their own graves ... the trust factor will be gone. The closure notices are always like lightning from bright blue sky. "You've played for a decade, payed for a decade, now you lose decade's worth investments. However you can play other games we offer and will offer.". I doubt that they will ever get as many people online as a time before the announcement. Let's face it, it isn't the first time, they've made this decision of betraying their own community. I believe that even seal players will start migrating to other games, because there is no guarantee that tomorrow won't be the day when they decide to close seal as well, and the mistrust between GM and a player is a very bad politics. If notice would be at least half a year before actual closure some trust would have been saved, but at this point it looks as dark as a turd thats left in the sun for a day or two.

I won't cry over its closure, but nevertheless I'll feel betrayed time and time again, and the trust isn't earned back easily.

That is all speculations as of yet, because we don't know what kind of criteria there will be for the rohanians to be eligible for compensations, but if it's not going to be fair, then RIP company from me.
Good one!
I`m totaly agree!!!