Greetings Rohanians!
Today, we will have a Pandemic story!
Tell us any short story you want.
The theme must be in relation to the current events!
You can write about your self isolation, any scary story you've heard or even your future plans!
Go to the Facebook post and comment your story there!
By the end of the event, we will pick the GMs’ favorites stories and we will have 3 winners.
The winners will pick 3 rewards from this list of items. Choose wisely!
⭐Job change Stone
⭐ Pet Revival Ticket
⭐ Sealed Lucky Stone (1 day)
⭐ 200 million crones
⭐ Ancient Skill Enhancement Stone
⚠The Event will start on May 12 until May 14
⚠ One account PER PLAYER
⚠ Multiple accounts will reduce chances of winning.
⚠ A GM will contact you to ask for the rewards you want.
Thank you very much for your support. We are counting on your participation.
More power!
Best regards
-R.O.H.A.N. Renaissance Of Human And Nature: Blood Feud Team-