Hi GM,

First of all, I would like to appreciate the newest event, Waterway Rider. It is such a nice and bold move from Seal BOD team to encourage players to keep on improving themselves to get the rewards, particularly in this pandemic situation in which all the players need something to achieve for, rather than just being a potato in the couch for days, lol.

For those veteran players who complain a lot about the event, if you are labeling yourself as a 'loyal customer' of Seal BOD, please respect any kind of GM decision and make your own way to keep the game feels entertaining to yourself. I believe you guys have so many ways and some achievements that you have not been achieved, with/without this event held. Just stick with it without being too snob for others because Seal BOD is for everyone!

Last but not least, just an input to GM, maybe some players have reported this kind of issue but I really want to bring this up on the forum. So lately, I have found some newbie players (level 1-150) doing nothing but gaining so many levels in Map 110 and Map 111 in which I believe the area is built for those players who have achieved level more than 200. It kind of disappointed to some players who actually achieving some levels by doing the normal ways of hunting in a suitable area based on their levels. It would be better if you could put some regulations, such as level restrictions to enter Map 110/111. Please think about it to make a better and fair environment for us.