you should check ur discord sunny/strellen/iceyy xD
you should check ur discord sunny/strellen/iceyy xD
I don't follow the meta, I create it.
Can someone teach me this bug i dont like guardian and defender but i wish both party buffs without need pt with them lmfao
Isen - Lais SweetBaby Carol
Let's recap a little: you said there was Damage Drop Penetration (stone possible on both servers not just at Jnaous), that's right everyone knows this but it takes a lot of farm to keep these stones.
PS: 70% dd is max I guss at janous (or maybe 80% on a old upg weapon) and the dd from 115+50 is the same & from shield it's 110%, right?
From my point of view Janous is an server very failed, perhaps the most failed and full of bugs that ever existed.
I don't follow the meta, I create it.
Considering you don't understand the difference between 70& or 80% or 110%. I find your ''I've only seen illigal items on janous'' observation not the most reliable lmfao.
or if you like, to put it in legal terms: diminished capacity witnesses are not allowed to testify in court
Last edited by snipers334; 08-18-2019 at 02:29 PM.
I don't follow the meta, I create it.