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  1. #1
    Colonel xXxAurorAxXx's Avatar
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    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by White Arctic Fox View Post
    it shouldn't be available for all players, only the best of the best should be able to farm there. As the game progresses things will get easier and it will get more accessable for a multitude of players. It's the isen players on this forum that are a bunch of toxic and braindead monkeys and thus I **** on them and their server.

    As for their opinion, sorry to tell you but you're wrong, their opinion doesn't really matter much, why you may ask? Their server is nearly abandoned, it's simply not worth($) the time to re-balance every update for the ISEN server. You saw what happened to Origin when it failed and the company demanded it a loss? it closed! ISEN players HATE upgraded weapons and HATE rpk so they do not want to merge with Jainus, meaning they remain a minority which doesn't get factored in by PWI. You either adapt and survive or you refuse and eventually, die.

    This is fair? Well if you ask me, they stayed onboard a sinking ship and demand to go down with it, so everyone who's still playing at isen, refusing to merge, yea they kind of got what they asked for so I can't feel sorry for them. As for what PWI does, I would do exactly the same, it's in the best intrest of the company to invest time and thus money into servers that also generate money/profit.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying isen will close, nor merge, I have no clue about that. I'm just explaining the how it works in the real world, if you deem it fair or unfair is entirely up to you.
    "it shouldn't be available for all players, only the best of the best should be able to farm there. "

    lol what kind of elitist bs is that? wow Flo. Tell me when do the little guys get a shot? They changed inter, they changed Mirrors, they added 2 new maps that regular players have difficulty playing on...when do the common folk get a dam break or a change. That's all coming, is it?

    When you wake up..
    I'll be a story in your head,
    But that's ok.
    We are all stories in the end.

    Just make it a good one eh?
    Because it was, you know.
    It was the best.

    ~ The Doctor.

    MsAbella ~ Priest

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by xXxAurorAxXx View Post
    "it shouldn't be available for all players, only the best of the best should be able to farm there. "

    lol what kind of elitist bs is that? wow Flo. Tell me when do the little guys get a shot? They changed inter, they changed Mirrors, they added 2 new maps that regular players have difficulty playing on...when do the common folk get a dam break or a change. That's all coming, is it?
    First of, I'm simply stating the facts, this is what KR designed and how they want the game to be, if you don't like it that's fine but it's pointless to blame me for it lol. Since the koreans redesigned the buffing system like 2+ years ago or more it was clear that this game became fully party focused, mirror dungeons as well as inter or superior dungeons are part of this proces. The KR devs clearly want people to work/play together to farm/grind/do dungeon runs etc, the time of playing solo (unless you're a really well geared pred or so) is over.

    As for the new map, do you realise when Onyx armour was released? I'm not entirely sure but that's a long ass time ago, maybe 4 years or more? So if I recap this, it will probably take another 4 years for a new armour set to be designed and released after Abyss. You do realise that in probably 6 months to 1 year from now, everyone will be happily farming the new map with appropriate gears and so on? If you release monsters which people can farm in 1 week, it leaves no room for improvement and everyone will be bored, stop farming and complain there is no new content.

    Beside the point of not making things too easy, have you seen the level of the Abyss armour/weapons? it's endgame gear meant for 115+50 players who're already geared up. I don't see how ''the little guy'' who's probably busy getting pendants+5 and farming himself an upgraded weapon should be able to instantly farm himself the highest armour set in game?

    I don't say I agree with every change that's made but I do see a bigger picture here and I refuse to simply condemn everything the KR do because ''not all noobs can participate''.
    Salve - Dragon Sage
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  3. #3
    Colonel xXxAurorAxXx's Avatar
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    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by White Arctic Fox View Post
    First of, I'm simply stating the facts, this is what KR designed and how they want the game to be, if you don't like it that's fine but it's pointless to blame me for it lol. Since the koreans redesigned the buffing system like 2+ years ago or more it was clear that this game became fully party focused, mirror dungeons as well as inter or superior dungeons are part of this proces. The KR devs clearly want people to work/play together to farm/grind/do dungeon runs etc, the time of playing solo (unless you're a really well geared pred or so) is over.

    As for the new map, do you realise when Onyx armour was released? I'm not entirely sure but that's a long ass time ago, maybe 4 years or more? So if I recap this, it will probably take another 4 years for a new armour set to be designed and released after Abyss. You do realise that in probably 6 months to 1 year from now, everyone will be happily farming the new map with appropriate gears and so on? If you release monsters which people can farm in 1 week, it leaves no room for improvement and everyone will be bored, stop farming and complain there is no new content.

    Beside the point of not making things too easy, have you seen the level of the Abyss armour/weapons? it's endgame gear meant for 115+50 players who're already geared up. I don't see how ''the little guy'' who's probably busy getting pendants+5 and farming himself an upgraded weapon should be able to instantly farm himself the highest armour set in game?

    I don't say I agree with every change that's made but I do see a bigger picture here and I refuse to simply condemn everything the KR do because ''not all noobs can participate''.
    When I said the "little guy" I didn't mean little in lvl or what ever. I meant in a "David and Goliath" kind of sense.
    David being the lesser equipped player, the player whos not on +18s/ +21 EVERYTHINGS, op opans, The non elite play. The budget-conscious player, The time-poor player. The "underdog".

    Goliath being the elite player. The player with +18s/21s or whatever, everythings. The Player who can and does throw whatever cash they like into this game, The player who can farm or does farm or knows how to do it perfectly. the player with the best of the best. The player with no disadvantages....

    why, in any sense of the word should these two players be separated in what they can or can not do or where they can or can not farm/ exp or alike.

    Now, Ive said my part and Ill say no more because I'm not going to sit here, be told I'm wrong and be made to feel like an idiot for having a different opinion than some others, who are seemingly getting a tad aggressive.

    When you wake up..
    I'll be a story in your head,
    But that's ok.
    We are all stories in the end.

    Just make it a good one eh?
    Because it was, you know.
    It was the best.

    ~ The Doctor.

    MsAbella ~ Priest

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by sunnyangel View Post
    Why not? Looks like a mutaik zhen to me no? the only thing separating this server from isen is the upg weapon and he has the oldest one.

    Also snipers you wrong this isnt the kind of game for elite pve I mean indun was a good opportunity but this is just number scaling way out of control. I do agree that you shouldnt be able to wear bedron in these new maps but the damage there should never be a meta for hacking and slashing mobs on maps.

    KR wants to make party play but we can see clear as day it dont work and we dont want that either.

    It's only elite PVE currently because it's not even fully patched yet and it's fresh content that should last for a long time. Like I said, wait a few months and you'll see plenty of people farming there. These new maps are made to last for years and thus aren't ''easy''. I don't understand how this is so different from when WH was just released and onyx armour. In that time, only the top could farm there as well. Whenever there's a new patch people want instant sathisfaction, but when things turn out to be too easy, they will complain they are bored and quit. In the end, whatever happens is always wrong. I'm not defending KR, I think they f*cked up more things than they fixed, no doubt about that but I do see the same pattern/stages over and over with the release of new patches:

    1. everyone rages coz ''change''
    2. everyone is angry because ''it's too hard/pay 2 win''
    3. after some time people find out how the new content works and they adjust to it
    4. people are happily farming
    5. new content is released --> return to step 1

    Quote Originally Posted by xXxAurorAxXx View Post
    When I said the "little guy" I didn't mean little in lvl or what ever. I meant in a "David and Goliath" kind of sense.
    David being the lesser equipped player, the player whos not on +18s/ +21 EVERYTHINGS, op opans, The non elite play. The budget-conscious player, The time-poor player. The "underdog".

    Goliath being the elite player. The player with +18s/21s or whatever, everythings. The Player who can and does throw whatever cash they like into this game, The player who can farm or does farm or knows how to do it perfectly. the player with the best of the best. The player with no disadvantages....

    why, in any sense of the word should these two players be separated in what they can or can not do or where they can or can not farm/ exp or alike.

    Now, Ive said my part and Ill say no more because I'm not going to sit here, be told I'm wrong and be made to feel like an idiot for having a different opinion than some others, who are seemingly getting a tad aggressive.
    You confuse opinion and facts. it's your opinion that it's elite BS that not all players can farm the new armours (which is fine, you can think whatever you want). It's however a fact when other armours/weapons were released, it's also a fact that this new armour is the new endgame armour and will be for quite awhile, it's also a fact that the koreans want more party oriented pvp/pve. You can visit the KR forums and translate the posts as well as GM replies to players if you like and see for yourself. The things I'm stating are literally what the koreans applied/want/said.

    Your problem is you make it personal, like I'm the one who designed this or said this or made this, while I clearly stated multiple times that it's the ''view of the Koreans'' not of my own.

    As for farming in mirror dungeons, I have tested this myself with 2-3 vit characters as supports with crappy gear (onyx/hp/dd dagger) and 1 templar with upgraded club, onyx armour and feathers+18. This way you can farm in mirror dungeons no problem, I didn't even add a Rumir. It's not very expensive to make a party like that, you could even play predator on opaniel weapon + some supports and farm there. So yea everyone who says that it's only for elite players to farm mirror dungeons, I call BS on that. Feathers+18 cost like 7-8k rps each the only thing that's expensive is upgraded weapon but if you replace that for an opaniel weapon (10k rps) with free2play stones from the IP mall you can also farm there for less. It honestly got much cheaper to gear chars with gear like this than before. You'd spend 100k rps on just 4x feather+12 in the past while at the moment you can gear multiple chars for that amount. I have also explained this many times on this forum, there are people who followed my advice and they farmed themself the pet tickets they need and currently make rps with selling pets and trans stones.

    You can call BS on whatever I say/write, the point is, it doesn't really matter, updates come as the koreans see fit and no matter how much you or I agree or disagree with it, it won't change.
    Last edited by White Arctic Fox; 12-04-2018 at 05:16 AM.
    Salve - Dragon Sage
    Superiors - Guildmaster

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  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by White Arctic Fox View Post
    It's only elite PVE currently because it's not even fully patched yet and it's fresh content that should last for a long time. Like I said, wait a few months and you'll see plenty of people farming there. These new maps are made to last for years and thus aren't ''easy''. I don't understand how this is so different from when WH was just released and onyx armour. In that time, only the top could farm there as well. Whenever there's a new patch people want instant sathisfaction, but when things turn out to be too easy, they will complain they are bored and quit. In the end, whatever happens is always wrong. I'm not defending KR, I think they f*cked up more things than they fixed, no doubt about that but I do see the same pattern/stages over and over with the release of new patches:

    1. everyone rages coz ''change''
    2. everyone is angry because ''it's too hard/pay 2 win''
    3. after some time people find out how the new content works and they adjust to it
    4. people are happily farming
    5. new content is released --> return to step 1
    If you need a party of alts just to support yourself then you know the game is out of scale. Mob difficulty is supposed to scale with the power creep of the weapon but we are now at a point where I need empower and group alm and rumir crowns and a predator just to do mirror? come on thats not how its supposed to be. Even with upg staff my wizz gets bodied like its not even close.

    Iceyy~~No longer a Rohan Expert
    ROHAN: Game s0x
    Unofficial post count: Whatever it says on the left + 9461

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by dayday31416 View Post
    Even without upgraded weapon in isen, still we can do possible that others think is impossible, I said it many times let Isen and Jainus be merged. Other PPL in jainus that pretending knows everything let see how he can do the real PVP when these two server merged.

    Finally you guys start to realise that you need to merge to survive. Spam it in tickets

    Quote Originally Posted by sunnyangel View Post
    If you need a party of alts just to support yourself then you know the game is out of scale. Mob difficulty is supposed to scale with the power creep of the weapon but we are now at a point where I need empower and group alm and rumir crowns and a predator just to do mirror? come on thats not how its supposed to be. Even with upg staff my wizz gets bodied like its not even close.

    I do agree that mirror mobs have too much HP and thus it takes ''noobs'' too long to kill these monsters. However saying that you want to ''solo'' and not depend on party buffs means you do not want progress but you want to stay in the past, I do not agree with this. Party oriented pve & pvp is better in my opinion. As for wizzards, they need a huge buff, they are simply ****e atm.....
    Salve - Dragon Sage
    Superiors - Guildmaster

    New/Returning Player Guide

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by White Arctic Fox View Post
    Finally you guys start to realise that you need to merge to survive. Spam it in tickets

    I do agree that mirror mobs have too much HP and thus it takes ''noobs'' too long to kill these monsters. However saying that you want to ''solo'' and not depend on party buffs means you do not want progress but you want to stay in the past, I do not agree with this. Party oriented pve & pvp is better in my opinion. As for wizzards, they need a huge buff, they are simply ****e atm.....
    And I disagree they made solo buffs more potent my wizz gets godlike lvls of psy but thats not enough because the game caters to derpy auto attack classes and a party full of passive buffers.

    Iceyy~~No longer a Rohan Expert
    ROHAN: Game s0x
    Unofficial post count: Whatever it says on the left + 9461

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by xXxAurorAxXx View Post
    When I said the "little guy" I didn't mean little in lvl or what ever. I meant in a "David and Goliath" kind of sense.
    David being the lesser equipped player, the player whos not on +18s/ +21 EVERYTHINGS, op opans, The non elite play. The budget-conscious player, The time-poor player. The "underdog".

    Goliath being the elite player. The player with +18s/21s or whatever, everythings. The Player who can and does throw whatever cash they like into this game, The player who can farm or does farm or knows how to do it perfectly. the player with the best of the best. The player with no disadvantages....

    why, in any sense of the word should these two players be separated in what they can or can not do or where they can or can not farm/ exp or alike.

    Now, Ive said my part and Ill say no more because I'm not going to sit here, be told I'm wrong and be made to feel like an idiot for having a different opinion than some others, who are seemingly getting a tad aggressive.

    That is why the mighty Latvala so was dearly missed for years. He stood for the underdog. He was the peoples champion always fighting 2-3 parties of zerg against the best players. He stood for the people. Lesser players looked at how he battled improbable odds and said yes me too I can fight against all odds if he can do it!
    LexusGS 115 ran - Best Dekan in history retired
    Latvala 114 ran - 2nd Best Dekan in history retired

    GM WalkingDead retired

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by walkingdeadnyc View Post
    That is why the mighty Latvala so was dearly missed for years. He stood for the underdog. He was the peoples champion always fighting 2-3 parties of zerg against the best players. He stood for the people. Lesser players looked at how he battled improbable odds and said yes me too I can fight against all odds if he can do it!
    Always good to see a clown aroune that make me laugh ����

    We Will Hunt You Down

  10. #10
    Even without upgraded weapon in isen, still we can do possible that others think is impossible, I said it many times let Isen and Jainus be merged. Other PPL in jainus that pretending knows everything let see how he can do the real PVP when these two server merged.


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