Quote Originally Posted by Volkmyre View Post
Hello Elektrablaze

Please know that the investigation was already ongoing and we have this under control. Anyway, we are still tracking all the players who took advantage of this and of course, actions will be taken.
Once we have news regarding this issue, we will let you know about this and the results of the same.
Know that all the responsibles of this issue will be banned and the items involved will return to their original state.
We deeply apologize for this inconvenience.

Seal Online Team
Its a big issue
My Questions are
1.If the item already sold in Kiosk , how you return it into original state? Will you sent us the cegel back?
2.let say i have good option item with status xg+7, then i traded with +12 xg item + some good cegel.. what happen to me, will i get my xg+7 again? Or u will return my XG12 into original state?
And what kind of original State? +0/+7/ Xg/Normal
3.Im sure they got hundreds of GM piyagra, golden chest key , rascal baloon.. they will play it or sell it or feed it into pet.. they already got many cegel from it.. how will you react?
4.from reward there's lot of pet, what happened now if they already evo the pets and change it into fox fire kitsune, or golden light wyrm or another rare type?

For last event i worked really hard..

But now it seems totally useless..

How many cegel this player already got..
Around 400Billion Cegel..