Quote Originally Posted by Volkmyre View Post
Hello Demolpro
We really apologize if you are having issues with our servers lately. Since the players attendance has increased. Some of our players are experiencing this issues with their connectivity.
And of course, we are working to improve the servers proficiency. But as you nay know this will take some time before it is done.
We kindly ask you to be patient while we work on this. Of course we have already reported this issue you are having.

Thank you so much. Your opinion is valuable to us.

Seal Online Team

Hi Volkmyre,

I understand that the server takes a long time to fix.
What I don't understand is why did you guys think that this event that supposedly INCREASE the number of players attendance will HELP with the server CONDITION ?
Don't you think fixing the server is more important than holding an event that MAKES IT WORSE than it already is??
GIVE us approximate date on when are you guys going to fix the problem, because I don't think you guys are doing it well.
Whatever the problem is, go fix it ASAP . Otherwise, I might as well quit the game for good.