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  1. #1

    [Ended] Guild Selfie event!

    Greetings, Rohanians!

    This time we would like to get to know Rohanians’ guilds. Every guild will have to take a nice photo with his members to win great rewards. GMs will choose 3 photos and the community will choose just 1 winner guild.

    Winner guild rewards:
    - 200 million crones
    - Champion box x3
    - Hero’s Insignia Pouch x30

    Between all the guild members of the winning guild will be a raffle for just one lucky winner of 2000RPS

    2nd & 3th place guilds:
    - Glass x25
    - Champion box x1
    - 5 Rainbow rice cake

    Terms & conditions

    - Guildmasters have to upload the photo in our Facebook post and write down the list of all the members that appear. Remember to put the exact name of each member (Case sensitive).
    - Rewards will be just for the members that appear in the selfie
    - Use of photoshop or related programs is allowed
    - In case GMs see some inconsistency in any guild, they can deny their participation

    Best regards
    RO: ORIGIN Team

  2. #2
    Playwith Staff FennixGM's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    We are pleased to announce the winners of the Guild Selfie:

    First place of guild: Barkada

    Guild rewards:
    - 200 million crones
    - Champion box x3
    - Hero’s Insignia Pouch x30

    In second place the guild: HIGHTIMES

    In third place the guild: Disney

    2nd & 3th place guilds rewards:
    - Glass x25
    - Champion box x1
    - 5 Rainbow rice cake

    We thank all the guilds that participated in this event.

    Best regards
    RO: ORIGIN Team
    GAME MASTER - Fennix
    -Seal Online Blades of Destiny Team-

  3. #3
    Playwith Staff FennixGM's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    We thank all the guilds for participating in this event.

    The raffle for the 2000 Rps of the winning guild of this event was made.

    The winner is: Portgas

    We are happy for the participation of all, and we hope that in the following events participate more as the prizes will be better.
    GAME MASTER - Fennix
    -Seal Online Blades of Destiny Team-

  4. #4
    do you plan on issueing the champions boxs to everyone who voted anytime soon or did we vote for nothing just asking for those who want to know

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