If we stay logged in for 30 minutes, and then we relog and stay for another 30 minutes, does that count as 1 hour or nullified since we didn't hit the 1 hour milestone?
To participate, you just need to demonstrate that you are a real Seal Lover and stay as long as you can connected to the game.
At the end of it, the players who have accomplished the amount of hours required to participate, will receive amazing prizes!
The best part is that the prizes are cumulative, so, more hours you stay connected, more and better prizes you will get! That means that you will receive the prize related to the hours you could achieve and also the previous prizes!
Hello Kavierz,
The event counts every second that you are logged on the game, so you can keep logged as long as you want, at the end of the event period, we will sum the total time that you have logged and give you the respective reward.
Aug ~ Sep ??? I remember you said we will have Couple Store and Gourmet in Aug ????
Can you please stop flamming and complaining about this stuff? Just leave the game if you don't like it. I believe lossing one annoying player like "YOU" will not harm the game, and probably will be better for the communities
Jhembut have no chill man. GMs had tried their best to keep up with the game and some people cant only complaining. Disgusted.
I have my right to ask questions , if u don't like , why don't you leave this game ? funny kid lol
I do ask questions but I never cheat people like some players from INDO !!!
Stop callin me kid, "KID"! Yes u have right to ask question but what you did "NOW IS FLAMING THE FORUM" Go back to elementary and learn the difference!
I hope this event has timer's content , so we know how long we've login thanks.
To be honest i have same id with numbered at the end, it make me easier to remember all of my id., and i raised all of character of each id for lvling and different job from another id. Why you can say that like cheating in game ? Maybe u can say that cheating in game for lvl 1 character of each id. U must thinking of it. Im sure, not only me that people have more than one id with numbered at the end of id.
Unless the GM can check the same IP that could be problematic of course. Like me that use numbers but that number 054 is my insignia or signature.To be honest i have same id with numbered at the end, it make me easier to remember all of my id., and i raised all of character of each id for lvling and different job from another id. Why you can say that like cheating in game ? Maybe u can say that cheating in game for lvl 1 character of each id. U must thinking of it. Im sure, not only me that people have more than one id with numbered at the end of id.