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  1. #1

    Regarding Skill Reset

    I resetted my skills using the skill reset stone and I chose the option wherein all skills and enhancement stones will be resetted to points and stones, little did I know that the skill enhancements stones I putted on my skills wont be returned, too sad. "( Is there a way I can retrieve those stones? I have 9 skills with an SES. I haven't fully understood that the option I chose will delete the SES and they won't be returned... Is the option I chose really deleted my SES?

  2. #2
    yep. It even say so in description (something like all skill stones will be delete/removed)

  3. #3
    Emperor EaglePhoenix's Avatar
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    Belgium - In the sky, looking down upon you.
    That's why you get two choices - one to leave the SES, one to remove all and bring all skills to 0.

    To be honest, it's fairly clear - not sure how you messed that up.
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  4. #4
    Peasant robrian03's Avatar
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    Manila, Philippines
    Condolences on your SES.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by KibsTaH03 View Post
    I resetted my skills using the skill reset stone and I chose the option wherein all skills and enhancement stones will be resetted to points and stones, little did I know that the skill enhancements stones I putted on my skills wont be returned, too sad. "( Is there a way I can retrieve those stones? I have 9 skills with an SES. I haven't fully understood that the option I chose will delete the SES and they won't be returned... Is the option I chose really deleted my SES?
    You are mistaken. You should have read that notice more carefully. It never said it would preserve your SES if you choose to set all skills to 0.

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