Quote Originally Posted by PenguinJoe View Post
did, you really think that saying to SHAWN "1st Notice/2nd Notice/3rd Notice" that he would give a crap about what follows it? Dude that is an open invitation for every troll here to come in and verbally tear you to pieces and feed it back to you.

Consider YOURSELF on notice (I will break it down for you since it is apparent you don't get the concept of etiquette on a game publisher's forum system). This will be your only notice from me:

1. This board is owned, paid for and operated by the publisher of its games - R.O.H.A.N. : Blood Feud being one of those games.
2. This game developer is not interested in its system being used to advertise competing games.
3. Because the section says it is for topics not related to Rohan, does not mean it is a medium for advertising competing games.

If you feel so strongly about that game that you have to crow about it on competing game websites, I suggest you do it in a place that caters to that kind of thing like elitepvpers or ragezone. It is not welcome here either by the game publisher or the game players.

So yes indeed, consider yourself on notice. Hold off with garbage like your OP HERE if you don't want to get your threads deleted/yourself banned.

Now you can take that advice or ignore it - it is up to you, but I have already fired a PM off to the admins regarding this corruption of their system.

Have a nice day.
To sum up what joe says, take your fgt game somewhere else.......cuz no 1 cares fgt. XDDDD