Quote Originally Posted by Sylfaen View Post
really it depends on your gear and what u can afford

str pred pros :
more pdef cuz str,
more damages regular,
more dd (if no upg, melee +dd)

str pred cons :
no guard buffs so its hard to keep up
in pvp against almost all class u get rekt (except with Transformation ready...)

agi pred pro :
crit damages
boost incoming (balance patch)
healing trap for pve

agi pred cons :
invenom too (heroic set drop %crit on you and invenom damages)
if no upg, no dd (cuz u need crit %)
crit dont works much against ppl that have over 200k hp

If i was you i would go agi avenger now, and after balance it will be op, not as much as guardians i think but still best option if u wanna play dhans
If u wanna play pred then wait and see is the only suggestion i can give to you...
I think ill just wait for the patch and see. Thanks!