Quote Originally Posted by ashmstrike View Post
Ah... interesting answer.
I never thought to leave int and put everything on vit and wis.
And you mean 2k damage feedback work perfectly ? Thats a good news.
And earthquake has 100% chance to immobilize at lv 5 ?

And I don't know much about bug in this game.
Is this supposed "second class skill never work correctly" bug that GM never respond because they could potentially break the warzone?
I don't know if you have spoken with the GMs. They already mentioned that the second class skills are bugged in PVP and they have notified the developers about it. Now, it's not their fault that there are still buggy skills. IMO, that only means the developers haven't sent them a solution/patch to fix it yet. So instead of pestering them about the skills, let's just wait for a fix.

Before I forget, while you wait for a patch to fix the damage in PVP, do consider going out to do PVE. Wizards can deal tons of damage with 1 skill so it's good to bring down monsters with high HP. Just go back after casting your spell and wait for cooldown. Also, don't hit the monsters first in you are in a party because doing so will attract a lot of aggro from those monsters and they will chase you. Just wait for a defender to provoke them and get their attention. Some Wizards don't know that and that's why they die first during Raids.