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Thread: My cash.

  1. #1

    My cash.

    Hai staff, i just wanted to let you know i spent 400 euro on Lineage 2. Why Lineage 2 you might add, well.....since the staff here is completely ignoring the community and lack in proffesionalism, cant handle a newb-mmo as seal online, i left and went to L2.

    Just letting you know that your complete inability to "run" this game made you lose out on 400 euros(and counting).

    Have fun. <3

    EDIT: I figure 400 euros is what any of you make in a month xD Hurrdurr, go North Korea!

  2. #2
    I was wondering what this thread would be about considering the strangeness of the title...have to say this is pretty funny.

    I personally don't spend a single cent on this game because I can't trust a company that has a history of wiping the game when things go bad.

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