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Thread: Frame Cap

  1. #1

    Frame Cap

    Is there any way to get rid of the frame cap at 20 fps? It's super annoying especially for high end users. It's freaking 2014, and there's a frame cap? Seriously?

  2. #2
    It was brought in ages ago when the Fire Temple and giants were added. There was no explanation and the community liaison at the time RedRyder denied it existed (GM clients might not have had it).

    I doubt you'll get an answer even now. It's a real shame because the animations look really nice at a higher frame rate.

    You don't even need a high end PC either as the client is CPU bound and doesn't use any GPU accelerated functions.
    Last edited by Neophyte28; 10-12-2014 at 04:16 PM.

  3. #3
    When I first played Rohan, I had a terrible computer. So choppy FPS was to be expected. But now I've upgraded, and I wanted to go back to the game. I get back on, and the game runs no different even on the lowest settings. It feels like I'm back on my crappy computer. It's super annoying and it is actually headache inducing. Anyone who's played games nowadays should know that this cap isn't right. For me, it makes the game unplayable. Can't they just create a setting to disable this?

  4. #4
    Commoner LaLee's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    They just don't care. The 5:4 monitor support magically disappeared too. I can't choose 1280x1024 resolution. It was working before (few years ago). I think it would take like 2mins for the developers to help on it, but that will be too much for them ofc. lol
    Just quit, if you have a good PC, try ArcheAge. It has open PVP too and you can at least choose a proper resolution and get a good framerate.

  5. #5
    I actually have just started Archeage before you mentioned that. That game is beautiful and I run it on Ultra settings no problem.

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