View Poll Results: Should Ran and Jin Merge?

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  • Yes

    35 71.43%
  • No

    14 28.57%
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  1. #31
    Having a 2 pt upgrade system (with stronger stats just in 2 parts) is the best of both worlds farming and cash shop it increases the value of 2/4 weapon parts as well as crystals crones and rings. But that apparently is too unreasonable for you. Balance and stuff to farm? no way

    Iceyy- Borderline retired rohan expert.
    TERA (USA): Ohaiyo @ Ascention Valley
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  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowAce View Post
    Having a 2 pt upgrade system (with stronger stats just in 2 parts) is the best of both worlds farming and cash shop it increases the value of 2/4 weapon parts as well as crystals crones and rings. But that apparently is too unreasonable for you. Balance and stuff to farm? no way
    There you go again...COME PLAY WITH UPGRADES...great compromise lol. 90% of your weapons overall power is going to come from the item mall, not from farming...the two lame parts you'd have to farm would just be token parts anyhow. Its almost comical your too self centered to realize people who didn't like the original epics/upgrades wouldn't like "two part upgrades" for all the exact same reasons...all that matters to you is you'd have a few Jin scrubs massively undergeared by Ran standards to beat on for a while...and again...your too self centered to even realize you really wouldn't, because most Jin players that haven't already hopped over to Ran would just quit.

  3. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by Gadwin83 View Post
    There you go again...COME PLAY WITH UPGRADES...great compromise lol. 90% of your weapons overall power is going to come from the item mall, not from farming to make a weapon you need 4 weapon parts, a ring and crystals. 90%...indeed...the two lame parts you'd have to farm would just be token parts anyhow you wouldnt want to get 2 melee/magic/hp parts no...... Its almost comical your too self centered to realize people who didn't like the original epics/upgrades wouldn't like "two part upgrades" for all the exact same reasons...all that matters to you is you'd have a few Jin scrubs massively undergeared by Ran standards to beat on for a while...and again...your too self centered to even realize you really wouldn't, because most Jin players that haven't already hopped over to Ran would just quit.
    Those people who didnt want upgrades probably didnt want to get 1 hit either and its way more fair than the deal on isen or on jin.

    Iceyy- Borderline retired rohan expert.
    TERA (USA): Ohaiyo @ Ascention Valley
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  4. #34
    Until you will open your eyes, Ran was always the best in spite of the inequality of the races.
    The problem which originated Jin and many players tired of Ran was:
    "We did not conduct the sale of upgrades and epic"
    people got tired of waiting, everyone was very happy and excited with these new weapons, but as there was no way to get them through IM or were
    too expensive in the EM, began imbalance, THE BALANCE IS BROKE, you can not have a game with unique weapons only for a few players, the other players do not matter?
    They are very stupid or what they wanted was that rohan fail? CONGRATULATIONS, Rohan got it dying.
    * Allow once again the upgrades and epic SALE are the best weapons and will give balance to the game, but also allow the parties to acquire by Archeivement Event or exchange with badges.
    * Allow the effort Player also has value in the game that does not focus on all the money.
    * Allow the Armor Ran if both Tali in it for the money
    * Allow putting sockets to weapons (could be both) either upgrades or epic
    Ran is the best you only need a little dedication and time.
    JIN and ISEN are the same, the same failure.
    Rohan is so easy to fix, and convinced me that GM are those who will not help the game and gives me great sadness.
    Until you will open your eyes...

  5. #35
    You cant put all 4 upg parts on the EM now because of the new option stones. The old DD stones had a range of 27% (23% dd to 50% dd or 47-74% dd when u had 4 upg parts) the new DD stones are much closer (13% range) the minimum forge with shiny options and 4 upg parts would give u 69% dd (gaurenteed 69% dd what?) and the max DD would get you 82% dd.

    Because of this problem I suggested making it 2 parts, the important stats (HP, all stats) get buffed up to 40% (for the dekans out there thats 11x-12x% hp), the DD stays the same IMO (6 % for each part or an extra 12% dd). The minimum DD with shinys is 57% (which is above average for an old 4 pt upgrade) and the maximum is 70%.

    Upgrade parts for achievement points.... I dont like the idea at all. By making it 2 parts and requiring forging it is much better to just to have discounted sales from time to time on the ecash price.

    Players can farm:
    The 2 weapon parts
    Grade A crystals for reinforcing
    Rings for Ancienting
    Crones for dlvling

    The availability of these weapons will also increase the demand for other things like chars, ses for those chars, accessories, reinforcements for those accessories and armour for those chars. Will the value be 2008 crazy? nop but that also stems from the fact that some of these things are easy to get. I think you brought up a good point in that people might hate upgs but they hated upgs even more when they couldnt get one because it was discontinued.

    Iceyy- Borderline retired rohan expert.
    TERA (USA): Ohaiyo @ Ascention Valley
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  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowAce View Post
    Those people who didnt want upgrades probably didnt want to get 1 hit either and its way more fair than the deal on isen or on jin.
    Uh...this is why we need a skill balance patch. I know you like to kid yourself into thinking Ran is balanced, but its still ****ed up...pvp just goes a little longer because everyone has more hp/dd and the temp double dip hasn't been as big of an issue because most people just continued to use epics/upgrades instead of craft weapons when we had that stupid %attack stones...and even now, if someone has a melee/magic/dd glacial its not really worth using when your giving up all the other stats epics/upgrades offer just to go from OP damage to stupidly OP damage.

    Jin would be 1000x more playable if they'd simply nerf blunt mastery and get rid of offensive scrolls since stat inflation has obviously skewed the balance between offense and defense way in favor of offense. But they aren't interested in actually improving gameplay...they just want to milk idiots for a little more money. Which why its hilarious you think selling more pay to win weapons would improve the game. My idea of nerf blunt mastery/get rid of offensive least the gms might come across as putting forth a good faith effort to improve Jin and make things a little more affordable...your idea of selling more pay to win items..."hey guys spend another 100 or gtfo." Yeah...that's going to go over real well with an already disgruntled and diminishing playerbase lol.

  7. #37
    The solution is so easy, but complicated:
    Before the maximum was 69% DD and now with the new 82% DD serious stones.
    Then do a mathematical operation 82-69 = 13,
    divide 13 /4=3.25 rounding 3.0
    We create new "parts UPGRADE" with 3% DD which would arrive at 70% DD
    We update all the old "parts UPGRADE" who are loose to the new value 3% DD, or simply delete it.
    The solution is so easy, but complicated:

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowAce View Post
    Because of this problem I suggested making it 2 parts, the important stats (HP, all stats) get buffed up to 40% (for the dekans out there thats 11x-12x% hp), the DD stays the same IMO (6 % for each part or an extra 12% dd). The minimum DD with shinys is 57% (which is above average for an old 4 pt upgrade) and the maximum is 70%.
    Just can't stand that people might have a chance to roll a few more dd then you. Wouldn't want that 71% dd club to be more then 4 members...but keep talking about making things fair lol. All you want is server merge and if any Jin players are stupid enough to stay let them get something almost as good.

    Your agenda is transparent, but I can assure you, even if you got your way it would lead to far more Jin players saying adios then embracing the second coming of what they've already fled from once.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by alucardtt View Post
    The solution is so easy, but complicated:
    Before the maximum was 69% DD and now with the new 82% DD serious stones.
    Then do a mathematical operation 82-69 = 13,
    divide 13 /4=3.25 rounding 3.0
    We create new "parts UPGRADE" with 3% DD which would arrive at 70% DD
    We update all the old "parts UPGRADE" who are loose to the new value 3% DD, or simply delete it.
    The solution is so easy, but complicated:
    If they were to have some sort of new upgrades...the solution would be to value the dd on each part so that a perfect dd roll using the best available dd stones would be equal to what a perfect dd roll would have been on the original upgrades using the best available stones at that time. ShadowAce couldn't handle that though...every new upgrade created with dd equal to or greater then 71 would tear her heart bit by bit.

  10. #40
    Yeah because the rng factor of forging it before should not happen here. The new DD range is too tight its only 13% and having a gaurenteed 57% dd is already above the average upg DD of 52%. Take your conspiracy theories elsewhere I want to give people as much of a chance as the next person it sickens me that you think I built my suggestion so my mace is 1% better than what any of the new weapons can get (LMAO).

    Iceyy- Borderline retired rohan expert.
    TERA (USA): Ohaiyo @ Ascention Valley
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