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  1. #1

    Can't Enter Credentials

    There's a login screen but it won't allow anything to be typed into the username or password entries.

  2. #2
    Does anyone read these?

  3. #3
    . no
    Open a support ticket.
    “Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster… for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

    EliteGamers - http://www.elitegamers.ca

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by GodsRage View Post
    . no
    Open a support ticket.
    What's the point of a support forum?

  5. #5
    For the past 6 years this forum has been pretty pointless since nothing posted here ever gets resolved here.

    Here is the normal flow of messages:
    You: I have a problem. Please fix it.
    YNK/Playwithi : OK. Please visit the support site and open in a ticket.

    End of forum conversation.

    Save yourself some time and open in a support ticket.
    Last edited by GodsRage; 09-09-2014 at 07:21 AM.
    “Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster… for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

    EliteGamers - http://www.elitegamers.ca

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by GodsRage View Post
    For the past 6 years this forum has been pretty pointless since nothing posted here ever gets resolved here.

    Here is the normal flow of messages:
    You: I have a problem. Please fix it.
    YNK/Playwithi : OK. Please visit the support site and open in a ticket.

    End of forum conversation.

    Save yourself some time and open in a support ticket.
    Well, the support ticket was also useless. They insisted that I provide my account name as well as the names of my characters and servers I played on, which is a ridiculous request since:

    1) I haven't played in about six or more years so I would have no idea of these names.

    2) The issue has absolutely nothing to do with security or my account, since it is an error with their login screen. I simply can't enter any text in the areas.

    I thought I remembered one reason I stopped playing this game. The company behind it was the main one.

    Thanks anyway for your help. I'll move on to games operated by less-idiotic companies.

  7. #7
    Emperor EaglePhoenix's Avatar
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    Wait - so, you log in on forums with said account - so obviously you do know the credentials(?)
    However, if you log into the game - you seem unable to enter said credentials due to the game bugging out (is it a recent copy?), so you open a ticket to ask why you cannot enter any credentials and thus they request you your account info?

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  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by TE5LA View Post
    Well, the support ticket was also useless. They insisted that I provide my account name as well as the names of my characters and servers I played on, which is a ridiculous request since:

    1) I haven't played in about six or more years so I would have no idea of these names.

    2) The issue has absolutely nothing to do with security or my account, since it is an error with their login screen. I simply can't enter any text in the areas.

    I thought I remembered one reason I stopped playing this game. The company behind it was the main one.

    Thanks anyway for your help. I'll move on to games operated by less-idiotic companies.
    Let's see here. You are complaining about not being able to log in (an issue with authentication system). Yet you are also complaining about them asking you questions only the owner of the account in question would know to make sure you are not someone trying to hack their system. Gee, I wonder why they would do that.

    Dude, you say you have not logged in for about 6 years. Don't you think it might be time to update your system and game software?

    Don't you think that you would get better service from then using the damned support system (these forums ain't it)?
    Last edited by GodsRage; 09-10-2014 at 12:23 PM.
    “Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster… for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

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