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  1. #61
    Strellan you're an idiot. Just saying. Everyone having close to the same gear is a good thing, it prevents a set group of people from being in control just because they spent the most money or buddies up to the right group to get boss drops. I think maybe you just have a limited imagination lol. Everyone having similar gear means the best coordinated team with the best players comes out on top.

    Also, by the way, your stated reason for Forever leaving is off completely in left field.
    Some say the world will end in fire,
    Some say in ice.
    From what I've tasted of desire
    I hold with those who favor fire.
    But if it had to perish twice,
    I think I know enough of hate
    To say that for destruction ice
    Is also great
    And would suffice.

    Emanoela - 110 Priest - Forever! Rosemud - Ranger Guild Wars 2
    Lark - 108 Predator - Forever! Jalliel - Mesmer Guild Wars 2
    ~Robert Frost

  2. #62
    Quote Originally Posted by Sunraven View Post
    Strellan you're an idiot. Just saying. Everyone having close to the same gear is a good thing, it prevents a set group of people from being in control just because they spent the most money or buddies up to the right group to get boss drops. I think maybe you just have a limited imagination lol. Everyone having similar gear means the best coordinated team with the best players comes out on top.

    Also, by the way, your stated reason for Forever leaving is off completely in left field.
    Nicole please dont take things out of context now....

    Nobody is talking about having the same gear and not having the same gear we are talking about gear progression as in today everybody has chimeras in 3 months everyone should be in talis and in 6 everyone should be in opaniels (not a real projected timeline). I dont understand where you see me claiming people shouldnt have the same gear in fact I am confused where this is even coming from. As far as forever leaving you can tell us why you left but the general consensus from the players that I spoke to after I came back was that they were bored simple as that although it might not be because of gear progression you cant argue that new content (which leads to gear progression) keeps people playing the game.

    Iceyy- Borderline retired rohan expert.
    TERA (USA): Ohaiyo @ Ascention Valley
    Need help? PM me

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Atzigan View Post
    In a world where everything's easy, the game health is drastically reduced. The rates of forging/reinforcing are low yes but why? Maybe...because the items that go past Chimeras are as many mentioned, very strong. It would make little to no sense making it easier to obtain a strong piece of equipment. Not even just that, but the item devaluation would be catastrophic. The problem in the other servers was, whether pay or not, everything was too easy at one point. Everyone geared itself with the maximum gear and there was nothing left to look forward to because the updates took longer than the obtainment of items. I personally feel that the rates are fine as they keep players with the same equipment that's not mega bloated and players are able to fight with almost the same stats. Monsters and Boss monsters are harder as it gives an incentive for players to party up instead of going commando. Back then the monsters ended up being so weak that there was no risk to the PKer and there was no challenge when killing a boss monster giving a drastic devaluation of boss drops. In the future we might increase the forging/reinforce rates but for now, while there's plenty players looking to even get their first chimera item, it doesn't look like the brightest move to do. Is it possible to reinforce them? Yes, but of course it's hard to enhance them.
    As for Chimera Accessories, Decoration, Tali's weapons and Opaniels, we have plans for them that I cannot yet reveal but we have a scheduled "tone them down" update.
    Several changes that are coming such as option stone changes have been requested and approved but it is a matter of waiting for them to arrive.
    A Crafting revamp has also been requested to make it easier for users, and all of this came by player suggestions.
    If you would like to read constructive suggestions, my ears (well...eyes)..are wide open for suggestions and feedback.
    If your sole purpose is to bash and bash without being constructive (I'm looking at you Gadwin) we all already know how you feel,
    If your main goal is to just bash us without helping us improve everyone's experience and putting everyone down, prepare to face a forum ban.
    I'm open to suggestions and open to discussions, but you will not achieve anything just raging your life away.
    Join us to improve the service, don't bash at us just because you love controversy inside the forums.
    We give a lot of freedom in our forums that not every community forum does.
    If you don't play, haven't experienced anything, and you just love creating turmoil in the forums, forum ban incoming.
    This is not a threat, it is a be warned post.
    As for all of those who support us, give awesome ideas and suggestions, we thank you.
    You should replace the word easy with inexpensive. There is nothing about this game that is difficult anymore...it all relates to your ability to charge. Its not hard to forge/refine something because you failed 19 times in a row, its expensive, and it leaves you feeling ripped off. You should at least have the decency to state success rates in items descriptions in the item mall so that new players at least know what they are getting in to. Every time you get some new guy charge 50 bucks and try to forge or reinforce something and all they end up with is a bunch of fails...I'm pretty sure you just managed to lose a potential future player/customer who would have spent/played more in the future if you didn't make things so gambly/expensive...I mean..."hard."

    If you want some constructive criticism...please, stop making socket gear so epic, and forged stuff so bad(and expensive to even forge up) its all garbage. Back in the day, I'd log in, and I'd farm for hours hoping that next drop would be the last dual statted piece I needed to finish up my latest toy on a just for fun character. Farming for your gear was a huge time sink. You have entirely removed this aspect of the game. What do people do now...go isolationist mode and run lowbie parties through elemental dungeons for easy crones for your chimera, then spend a ton of money if you want to reinforce it. Want to socket it? No problem, just multibox power arenas. The beauty of it...you don't even have to try when you have alts on both teams, either way you win.

    Pay to win and class balance rants aside...under old system when forging was pro, I wanted to be on as much as possible, if there was an event cool if not it was always worthwhile to go hunting drops. With what Rohan has evolved in to once I'm leveled I have no reason to log on for anything other then events, and from a player perspective, how great of a game design is that if I only really have any reason to log in most days for a very brief period of time on specific days for an event? Maybe I'll log on and do a quick ele dung for the ctds or twins to sell, and then if its the wrong night or the wrong time its just like eh...guess I'm going to go play something else since there isn't really anything for me to do on here, and considering I'm not going to plan my life around being home at specific times for events on this game...its become incredibly easy to just go play other games. Yeah good riddance, we're sick of your forum bitching anyhow, right? Come on, I know your thinking that...but problem is your losing more and more people and seem to be obliviously doubling down on what's driving people away.

    Just think about what I've just said...and now ask yourself, where will this server be in 6 months? The rat race to level is going to be over, people are going to have capped toons, so people won't be logging on just to level anymore. They'll be logging on just to play events(and even this is questionable if we don't get a skills patch), and left with that feeling wtf there isn't anything for me to do on this game anymore like 95% of the time. Even hk'ign ring drops for crones will be pointless...might as well just drag alt parties through ele dungeons or park as many alts as possible in power arena for easy badges. You'll be making more crone that way and not even have to pay for hks or leave your computer running all day.

    And lastly...I'd just like you to think about what made certain forged gear valuable vs what makes craft items valuable. Forged items were all about the base items and a little luck on your option stone rolls. If you forged mediocre base items with IM option stones it cost the same amount of money as forging the most pro of pro glacials. The difference was in who spent more time farming/trading for the better base items, which relates back to why, in the past, I wanted to play as much as I had time to. What makes the difference between a cheap craft weapon and a pro one? Cash, nothing else. If you were a gamer why would you rather have a better item...because you spent a lot of time farming and buying/selling/trading with other players, or because you spent more cash on the game?

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Gadwin83 View Post
    You should replace the word easy with inexpensive. There is nothing about this game that is difficult anymore...it all relates to your ability to charge. Its not hard to forge/refine something because you failed 19 times in a row, its expensive, and it leaves you feeling ripped off. You should at least have the decency to state success rates in items descriptions in the item mall so that new players at least know what they are getting in to. Every time you get some new guy charge 50 bucks and try to forge or reinforce something and all they end up with is a bunch of fails...I'm pretty sure you just managed to lose a potential future player/customer who would have spent/played more in the future if you didn't make things so gambly/expensive...I mean..."hard."

    If you want some constructive criticism...please, stop making socket gear so epic, and forged stuff so bad(and expensive to even forge up) its all garbage. Back in the day, I'd log in, and I'd farm for hours hoping that next drop would be the last dual statted piece I needed to finish up my latest toy on a just for fun character. Farming for your gear was a huge time sink. You have entirely removed this aspect of the game. What do people do now...go isolationist mode and run lowbie parties through elemental dungeons for easy crones for your chimera, then spend a ton of money if you want to reinforce it. Want to socket it? No problem, just multibox power arenas. The beauty of it...you don't even have to try when you have alts on both teams, either way you win.

    Pay to win and class balance rants aside...under old system when forging was pro, I wanted to be on as much as possible, if there was an event cool if not it was always worthwhile to go hunting drops. With what Rohan has evolved in to once I'm leveled I have no reason to log on for anything other then events, and from a player perspective, how great of a game design is that if I only really have any reason to log in most days for a very brief period of time on specific days for an event? Maybe I'll log on and do a quick ele dung for the ctds or twins to sell, and then if its the wrong night or the wrong time its just like eh...guess I'm going to go play something else since there isn't really anything for me to do on here, and considering I'm not going to plan my life around being home at specific times for events on this game...its become incredibly easy to just go play other games. Yeah good riddance, we're sick of your forum bitching anyhow, right? Come on, I know your thinking that...but problem is your losing more and more people and seem to be obliviously doubling down on what's driving people away.

    Just think about what I've just said...and now ask yourself, where will this server be in 6 months? The rat race to level is going to be over, people are going to have capped toons, so people won't be logging on just to level anymore. They'll be logging on just to play events(and even this is questionable if we don't get a skills patch), and left with that feeling wtf there isn't anything for me to do on this game anymore like 95% of the time. Even hk'ign ring drops for crones will be pointless...might as well just drag alt parties through ele dungeons or park as many alts as possible in power arena for easy badges. You'll be making more crone that way and not even have to pay for hks or leave your computer running all day.

    And lastly...I'd just like you to think about what made certain forged gear valuable vs what makes craft items valuable. Forged items were all about the base items and a little luck on your option stone rolls. If you forged mediocre base items with IM option stones it cost the same amount of money as forging the most pro of pro glacials. The difference was in who spent more time farming/trading for the better base items, which relates back to why, in the past, I wanted to play as much as I had time to. What makes the difference between a cheap craft weapon and a pro one? Cash, nothing else. If you were a gamer why would you rather have a better item...because you spent a lot of time farming and buying/selling/trading with other players, or because you spent more cash on the game?
    Very nice said +1

  5. #65
    I am still not a fan of forging its not modular and the only way it can scale with powercreep is to become obsolete so you can start all over again. Gadwin83 has a point with there being nothing to do but farming for drops is just not something I am into at all anymore and I would rather see rewards for participating things like events daily quests acheivements pvp scenarios (like PA but with a better selection on the scenarios). I wont spoil any of the ideas I have to make this game better but if the developers hear me out I know I can get people playing the game whenever they can and not just for a couple hours a day.

    Iceyy- Borderline retired rohan expert.
    TERA (USA): Ohaiyo @ Ascention Valley
    Need help? PM me

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Key point: PWI are simply putting resources into this ISEN server when they could be using it for further balancing Jin and other sub servers in Ran. I thought it'd be fun at first but clearly it's going to end Jin like to be found too tedious again. What a waste.
    Last edited by zyklo22; 08-08-2014 at 09:27 PM.

  7. #67
    Quote Originally Posted by zyklo22 View Post
    Bottom line: PWI are simply putting resources into this ISEN server when they could be using it for further balancing Jin and other sub servers in Ran. I thought it'd be fun at first but clearly it's going to end Jin like to be found too tedious again. What a waste.
    This is not actually the case sir. To balance those servers you would need help from korea. Isen server is a server that is easily balanced because it revolves around crafting and has none of the powercreep items (yet). We will see and hopefully atzigan makes a thread to talk about how to balance ran/jin and indicates what they can/cant/want/dont want to do.

    Iceyy- Borderline retired rohan expert.
    TERA (USA): Ohaiyo @ Ascention Valley
    Need help? PM me

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowAce View Post
    I am still not a fan of forging its not modular and the only way it can scale with powercreep is to become obsolete so you can start all over again.
    First of all, forged weapons are modular.

    modular - of or pertaining to a module or a modulus.
    module - a separable component, frequently one that is interchangeable with others, for assembly into units of differing size, complexity, or function.

    Your modules in the case of forged weapons would be your 4 base items, your option stones, and your accessory, so please, stop repeating that stupid line about things being modular when you don't even know what you are saying. Just because you repeat an untruth enough doesn't make it true.

    All you are describing is that craft weapons have the advantage of not being permanent...if they go a little overboard on spirit stones its not like an upgrade, where its like whoops, we put them out there, and now we're stuck with them forever.

    And as far as glacials not scaling with power creep unless you make them obsolete...again, not true. % values on glacials scale fine...some may even argue a little too well...you know, like the devs, who wanted to ram option limits down our throats.

    Option stones scale fine...but with two exceptions. The first being when you compare glacials to craft weapons. Making a crit glacial for example is just stupid now considering you can get a craft with as much or more crit, and also toss speed and dd on it. The second being when they release shiny option stones. Hindsight being 20/20...they would have been way better off just releasing a glacial upgrade stone. Toss it in the recycle system with a glacial and it adds 10dd and 8-10 dual leech. That way at least it would have been a boost to all varieties of existing glacials...nobody would have had to reforge from scratch, and crit/wa would have gotten a boost as well but only in terms of survivability...I don't think anyone wants to see shiny weapon attack stones on a str dhan lol.

    If they went about it the right way...they could slowly introduce power creep to glacials as well but not in a way that overnight you suddenly have to reforge everything. For example...allow component pieces 3 stats instead of 2. Are you going to suddenly reforge your arsenal because maybe you can gain an extra 100 dex if you rolled 4 tri statted pieces to your liking? Probably not. Is it an incentive to keep farming? Yup. Is it an incentive to reforge...yup. All they really need to do with glacial power creep if its something they actually give attention to is to watch the % values carefully. If they increase the number of mods the base items could load, and slowly raised the max values of hard number mods only(not the % mods) as they introduce higher level mobs/drop areas to the game. Even if the power gamers were to keep reforging...well good...the game makes some money, and over time we develop a market of gear that isn't top tier, but its great for new players who want something cheap to check the game out with, or for veteran players who want to test out a new build without too heavy of an investment of resources to get an idea of if its a build they'd like to pursue or try something else.

    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowAce View Post
    Gadwin83 has a point with there being nothing to do but farming for drops is just not something I am into at all anymore and I would rather see rewards for participating things like events daily quests acheivements pvp scenarios (like PA but with a better selection on the scenarios).
    Variety is key. If I'm logged in farming and an event pops up...hey guess what, I have two activities to chose from.

    Sure its easy to say you don't like farming, but even if your favorite thing to do in the game is to troll around and rpk and annoy people...making farming pointless pretty much means you end up with way less people to rpk and annoy. Its like this game simply doesn't want any actual free players or small budget players to enjoy it, when in reality these players are what keep the big spenders around.

    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowAce View Post
    I wont spoil any of the ideas I have to make this game better but if the developers hear me out I know I can get people playing the game whenever they can and not just for a couple hours a day.
    Thanks, haven't had a laugh that good in a long time.

  9. #69
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by zyklo22 View Post
    Key point: PWI are simply putting resources into this ISEN server when they could be using it for further balancing Jin and other sub servers in Ran. I thought it'd be fun at first but clearly it's going to end Jin like to be found too tedious again. What a waste.
    I can proudly say, I've been saying this since the start.

  10. #70
    Squire Kraszer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atzigan View Post
    In a world where everything's easy, the game health is drastically reduced.
    You yourself just confirmed that the game is on the verge of death. Thank you
    Btw. may I even know what are you planning for jin/ran, or those servers are on the secondary plan for now?
    Last edited by Kraszer; 08-09-2014 at 02:46 AM.
    Retired/Quit status.

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