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  1. #1

    lost learnt blueprints

    Hi there.

    I have been offline for more than a year, only logged in from time to time.
    Recently I wanted to craft some rings and there was a suprise:
    all my learnt blueprints are gone - only two of them left.
    I wrote some tickets to YNK but got the answer: they cannot check it on my char, so there will not be any refund.
    I aske how could I reach the max crafting lvl without blueprints and said that was not my problem, that they cannot check it.
    Guess what - same answer as before.
    Even when I wrote that EM transactions could be checked and provide info about rings I sold and blueprints I bought - no reaction from YNK, neither.
    I am very disappointed...

    Did someone have same problem?
    Any ideas how to get back my blueprints?
    I am not gonna spend money on them - I did it once and that's enough.

    Thanks for help.
    110 vit fish
    105 wiz
    105 def
    103 guard
    103 temp
    101 dhan
    83 savage
    This is, what I do... My daily work

  2. #2
    I had the same problem, along with other people. It happened awhile ago with one of the update patches with the sage blueprints being added. It took me several tickets and I got some of my bps back but not all.

    On the plus side, you can now purchase all grade I thru IV bps at a npc in the craft studio for 1 crone each. However you can not purchase Grade V or Insurgent bps. The npc is located close to where you port in at CS, just walk towards ur tres and after a few steps you'll see him standing to your left.

  3. #3
    I know where the npc is.
    The thing is I lost all best blueprints and they said they won't do anything.
    Only one insurgent left and lvl III ring.
    I need other insurgents and lvl V rings, which cost some rps...
    110 vit fish
    105 wiz
    105 def
    103 guard
    103 temp
    101 dhan
    83 savage
    This is, what I do... My daily work

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