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Thread: Help

  1. #1


    Who do i turn to if i have complaints against the GM's?

    Ive been told by a GM that my account was banned for using illegal 3rd party tools(Like there is anything like legal 3rd pt tools xD) but ive never used such sh1t, and it only prooves that they did NOT read logs before banning....they just banned from looking at a screenshot or video.

  2. #2
    Send a ticket to the support website and they will kindly escalate it to a tier 2 game master (who has authority in unbanning you)

    You can find the support site here or click on the support button at the top of the forum.

    Iceyy~~No longer a Rohan Expert
    ROHAN: Game s0x
    Unofficial post count: Whatever it says on the left + 9461

  3. #3
    I just find it extremely frustrating to be banned when you did nothing that violates the rules. And beeing ruled out as a cheater from a GM(Rapturous) who are so incompetent that he takes a recording as proof or watching me in hide when i have bad bad lag on my side, is just sad.

    Ive been told they go by the logs, but now i know thats not how its done.
    Kinda makes me scared since they ban you just for the lol's

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by fhurrsan View Post
    I just find it extremely frustrating to be banned when you did nothing that violates the rules. And beeing ruled out as a cheater from a GM(Rapturous) who are so incompetent that he takes a recording as proof or watching me in hide when i have bad bad lag on my side, is just sad.

    Ive been told they go by the logs, but now i know thats not how its done.
    Kinda makes me scared since they ban you just for the lol's

    I cannot speak for seal online however the logs in Rohan are quite detailed. Because the game is made by the same developer I can only assume that seal's logs are just as detailed. Having said that if the video was taken by the GM it is viable evidence.

    Iceyy~~No longer a Rohan Expert
    ROHAN: Game s0x
    Unofficial post count: Whatever it says on the left + 9461

  5. #5
    If the logs in Seal is so detailed it only proves that they did not read them at all.
    The video recording i mentioned was taken by another player who i had an heated argument with and during those days my internet was screwed up so the horrible lag was coming from my "side".

    I guess if they watch the video with me lagging all over the place it would look as i speedhacked, damage hacked and crit hacked, but the fact that they banned me without going through the logs baffles me.
    Really professional GM's.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by fhurrsan View Post
    If the logs in Seal is so detailed it only proves that they did not read them at all.
    The video recording i mentioned was taken by another player who i had an heated argument with and during those days my internet was screwed up so the horrible lag was coming from my "side".

    I guess if they watch the video with me lagging all over the place it would look as i speedhacked, damage hacked and crit hacked, but the fact that they banned me without going through the logs baffles me.
    Really professional GM's.
    Well if you think you have something escalate the ticket to a tier 2 GM.

    But zrzly seal such a **** game menz go play rohan or some other game.

    Iceyy~~No longer a Rohan Expert
    ROHAN: Game s0x
    Unofficial post count: Whatever it says on the left + 9461

  7. #7
    I really like this game, i find the idea with the various crazy drops really amusing =D
    Just too bad its handled by retards

  8. #8
    Serf FaPeLo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fhurrsan View Post
    If the logs in Seal is so detailed it only proves that they did not read them at all.
    The video recording i mentioned was taken by another player who i had an heated argument with and during those days my internet was screwed up so the horrible lag was coming from my "side".

    I guess if they watch the video with me lagging all over the place it would look as i speedhacked, damage hacked and crit hacked, but the fact that they banned me without going through the logs baffles me.
    Really professional GM's.
    Are you sure it was your side whose lag?
    From my point of view, if you were lagging there is few things that occur :
    1. You will keep hit the mobs, while no damage mention
    2. You wouldn't know whether the mobs were died yet or not
    3. When you move around, the mobs won't spawn
    4. You wouldn't know if a mobs attacked you or not

    Based from the things mentioned above, how is that possible for you to move freely from one mobs to another when you had terrible lag?
    If your sentences were correct, i assume that the one who got lag is the video provider.

    I'm not trying to defend you, but just give you some logic idea of lag indication.
    And frankly speaking, when i read your sentences, i thought that you really speedhacking and such. But escalate this issue to the authority GM and explain to them your situation.
    -We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone - >> Ronald Reagan <<

    Einzard Bugz

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