Lyrical. Plays Everything. Guildmaster of Forever
The game includes a player-versus-players system, including a "Vengeance" system. Players can also participate in in-game groups called "Guilds", which have the opportunity to control areas within the game, dictating rules such as taxes, or battle other guilds.
vena patrols > montt patrols for serious
Vena patrols are ghay. Srsly jus look at them.
ye so are temps and look how they own :O
Shhhhhhh im a temp too
haha gay^^
I bet vena patrols have nice shaved legs.
Lyrical. Plays Everything. Guildmaster of Forever
The game includes a player-versus-players system, including a "Vengeance" system. Players can also participate in in-game groups called "Guilds", which have the opportunity to control areas within the game, dictating rules such as taxes, or battle other guilds.
Montt patrolls can go melee with their stupidly long nails and cut ur throat u just have to enter in the special alt F4 function while selecting them.
Warcraft3 B-Net: Haruka@useast ~~~ Haruka@uswest
Garena: BeeTanks ~~~ !|c00ffff00Tina
Montt patrols are pretty scary. o.o
PumpkinPie (MattysPie) - 99 Priest - Original Esoteric - TURNED TEMPLAR 4/12/2010 -->Forever
CherryPie - 99 Priest - Masters -->Forever