was forging today and made two rares for niobes cane. 9 and 8% armour defense. not bad. then something got all crazy and i decided to relog. i come back online, and lo and behold, no rare staff parts. hmmmmmmmm so i relogged agian, and again, and again. nothing. then i logged each of my other chars thinking maybe something crazier happened and ended up on one of them. nope. now ill have to wait 2-4 weeks while YNK investigates my account im sure. if they lock up my account for any amount of time, im done. i wont wait for them to open it back up. im pretty sick and tired of all the people complaining people are doing and giving thoughtful and insightful solutions and corrections for this bugged and lopsided game. GG all, see ya on another game im sure.