Quote Originally Posted by rottn View Post
what other word starts with b and ends on hearts?
2 letters t and o you can do itttttttt.
well get you a camel for your next birthday, i promise! <3

E: didnt try to say eso were noobs, just not as good as selfproclaimed since around the time i was actually around and seeing the esotag (somewhen when bh just disappeared) they definitely had the gearadvantage by quite a bit, especially on accessories.
my b-day was about 20 days ago u can still bring meh a camel np
and around that time as i remb it was crafting time so every one could make accessories on their own 25's up to 51's and those for wizards were the best at that time so i dont see how they out gear u when u could make ur own gear ,accessories are not an excuse since crafting started till bez and ruler were planted in game and those for temps so excuse me there but am not bying the gear advantage "Accessories" u gota come up with diff thing
pz pz