Please Rise the requirement level From 275 to 281
Because we still can collect the Letter and the math and still can exchange it before 6 Jun 2023
Logicly when we collect the math from monster we still get the experience.
so why make the level requirement so low ??
base on my experience I can get lvl 0 to 272 in one day and 272 to 281 in 2 days @_@
so 1 month time is long enough to reach 281

Please Rise the Fame requirement too from 250k to 400k at least.
because to get 400k is easy too.
we just need doing Sevis Central mision Quest = 200k fame
and then doing Epsd 1 and Epsd 2 Quest = 250k Fame
Just need 2 days to 3 day to complete it.

Please dont believe with player using Comeback Player / NewComer Player as excuse
Player using this excuse just want exploit the event.

Make the requirement more high please ^_^
So The game will have more active player