Dear Game Master's and Rohanian's.

Upon request i am here to present the feedback of players that would love a sincere help for the starters in order to achieve a good begin of the game.

I believe we can give this update to them without any issue.

Following Lippy Suggestion :

Well, i thought a lot if realy want to Post a Feedback here, but i will do it. My Feedback is from a pov from a Player who is playing this Game for 6 weeks now.
I will seperate this Feedback in "in Game" and "discord".

Lets start with the Game Part.

1. The Tutorial Zone is useless. You do it, and when you Leave it you wonder y you have done it. The real Tutorial is this where you get to lvl 68 with a bunch of quests. I was wondering how some players were flying through that. I was almost done as someone told me Check IM inventory in Event section... Maybe this could included in this progress.

Then y it stops at lvl 68? With 70 you can use ferken and this with Abs Stones brings fun. Even here a advice to visit crafting Studio and Talk to Academy helper is Missing. I was grinding from 68 to almost 90 until i was told to Go there and Pick up the exp pouches. Once you reached 90 you can Go ED... Nice one but you wont bei able to lvl fast because of restricted entrance. And with lvl 90 you realise that you need better gear in Order to have a good Grind in upper. But you stuck with froianne and Warrior Rings. Even you See you will Not earn crone to buy pve Pendant, and you will Not earn persona fast in ed. You will also Not be able to buy a Set of persona because you dont have crone. So all in all you stuck... And you get Frustrates and i think a lot of new Players will Quit as this Point. From my Point of View the Game is Made for chars 115++. I suggest to give new Players the weapon as it is now and instead of froianne a glacial Split with decent pdef. Then you will be able to grind in upper.

The Last Point is: as a new Player you get not inteoduced to all the important talis and relicts. I will Not say give them for free. No, surely Not. But Tell the players that there are a blood tali and what to do with it.

So thats the Game Side. Now to discord.

First of all thanks to all who explained me this Game. Special thanks to those who gave me a Booster( god fragments, tc Armor). If i ask Here i allways get a good advice. Keep on going Like that! This how you can bind rookies to the Game. But there is also a very, very dark Side. chat-n-chill... Holy sh..t. i don't read all of this stuff but Sometimes i Wonder how a GM can let it Go Like this. Surely you don't have to be friends and you can Flame and Put blame but not Like this.

Thats it. Just my five cents.

Cheers and have fun