Greetings Shiltzians!

Today we have a challenge for all our enthusiastic artists and animal lovers!

Did you know that in 2016 the International Union for Conservation of Nature downgraded the giant panda from an endangered species to a vulnerable species? That means it is no longer in danger of extinction! That is great news and further proof that when we work together, any goal is attainable.

Let's celebrate Panda Day!

To participate in this event enter the following link, draw a Panda as best you can and share the link of your drawing with us in the comments section.


Our GM staff based on creativity, originality, and drawing quality will choose 10 winners.


x1 Blessed Pink Diamond
x1 Pet Appraiser’s Mistake
x2 Masrco’s Mistake
x1 Exvolution Leaf (50%)


*Event starts on March 11 and ends on March 15.
*Rewards will be sent on March 16.
*One account PER PLAYER.
*Only the user who made the post will get the rewards.
*Multiple accounts will reduce your chances of winning.
* Entries deemed ineligible for rewards may be disqualified by the GM team for being incomplete, inaccurate, or unrelated to the event.

Thank you for your attention and participation!

Have a good one!

Love seal^^

Seal BoD Team