Greetings, Shiltzians!

We bring you a new short playtime event and a trivia challenge to all of you!

We have been working very hard on something special for all of you for the lasts months but… we would like you to guess what it is.

Can you guess what is the last reward? Why don't you try to guess and leave your comment down below? We would love to read your answers.

✅[Compensation] Blessing of Gaius (7 Days)
✅[Untradeable] Remote Shop x20

✅ Rider Costume
✅Harmonious Marquee’s Earring

Mysterious Item❓

All rewards are cumulative, the longer you stay connected, the more rewards you will receive!

1. The event is available from November 16th at 18:00 PST. Prizes will be sent during the maintenance on November 23th.
2. Prizes are only for one server (for the first character to log in, it can be Arus or Duran).
3. Prizes are sent to the account's cash bank and normal items to the mailbox.
4. The rewards are cumulative. As you conquer more hours, you will also receive the previous rewards. It will count the total of hours connected per account (not per character).
5. Dummy accounts will NOT be considered for this event.
6. This event is available until November 23th 16:00 PDT (before maintenance)
7. We will make a raffle between all of those who guess the reward and 3 of them will receive double rewards!

Love Seal!
Seal B.O.D. Team