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    Everyone come here. I have word to every love the game's player.

    Why no 1st warning? How does't have any proof to block? Unblock ticket #371918

    I have a talk to everyone.

    If the GM doesn't like the bad words, I say the word like this. Would you like it?

    The GM said it has the proof, but I did respond in 10 seconds in your proof after you left. And I kept changing the way to pick up in your proof. I remind you that I have one hand on keyboard, I am at the computer, my eyes look at your character.

    I send a ticket to you in 20 minutes after your black rose left. This proof you had. You got one. The proof can check by your email or my email. It proves me at the computer. Right?

    Do you GM know the game rule? It can't type the key a,s,d in some moment. Typing needs time, and I need a longer time because I respect the character is a GameMaster. For example, players comment, you back after 12hrs or 1 day. This needs a time to do the action you want. Confirm your character needs time too. you know.

    Do this proof enough to unblock the account? You can check your proof that same as I said.

    I will post the news here Because I don't know what did you mean.

    3rd party program? Last time I autotune. Last last time no reason. Last last last time I assist cheater. The GM said.

    What? You talked bad to me. I have the proof if you need it.

    Thank you for contacting Playwith Interactive Game Support.

    Please, be informed that we are taking strict measures against players who take advantage of any mechanism of the game. You were banned after being caught by one GM during a patrol.
    Then, when reviewing your character activities, we confirmed the use of a third party program.
    We do not allow accounts created to scam, bot, hack, among other illegal activities. Unfortunately, this account will remain permanently suspended.
    We suggest playing by the rules in the future in order to avoid getting banned. We are now closing this ticket since further pressure on this matter will not lead to alternate changes.

    If you have any other concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us again by sending us a new ticket.

    Thank you for your support and cooperation.

    My account has an Ein weapon.XG, an Ein arrow set.DG, a 6th pet, other powerful equipment. Do I need the 3rd party program or other? No.

    Exactly, your action decides my action.
    Last edited by USAdh666; 07-16-2021 at 09:30 PM.

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