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  1. #22
    I see incredible things in this new rohan. The game is perfect in all, you can buy almost everything in crones. People instead of farming crones will buy the chones externally in real money traders. do you think game survive? i never buy crones at external it is illegal, and it is illegal because it destroys the game, people don't like Rohan like themselves and their achievements in the game only, i buy items on item mall to help the game and not just thinking about me, if everyone collaborated with the rohan staff, the game would get better and better.

    What to do with these stupid people, I speak abaut of real money traders of course, only destroy the game is the fault of playwith ???

    People only think about them and their profits
    so if playwith does the same with them it’s done well.

    The game was made to play and have fun, who destroys the game are the real money traders players, not the playwith.

    Playwith gives you the freedom to trade almost everything in the game, and what players do?

    i love Rohan i love playwith, Playwith makes everything perfect has the perfect game, gives players freedom. give everything for us.

    the players are the ones who destroy the game, I have no doubt about that.


    I just received a free title that is the second best title in the game 100% exp 150 atack 150 deff 25hall stats
    they give everything to the players, and more and more is to come, and the players only spoil the game.

    You only complain, just complain and complain for no reason.

    It's like you go to a restaurant and take your own food in the suitcase, sit at the table take the food out of your suitcase and eat there, but don't buy the food from the restaurant, ask yourself how does the restaurant pay your wages? how the restaurant would survive.
    How can the restaurant serve you well if you bring your own food?
    Last edited by runescape18; 11-18-2020 at 08:43 AM.

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