Hello dear readers

I did a trade a few hours ago. The other guy said that he wan test my things. I didn't answered him. He sent me trade. We traded our things. He said that he want his things back. For me a trade is a trade. If you confirm a trade you can't revoke it. It's like you sign a contract when you click on confirm. It's your own bad luck in the end.
Now the impudent thing is, that when I came on a few hours later my thing that i traded wasn't there already. My items that i had trade to him I got back. The trade was retun on a mystery way. I wrote the support a long ticket. Their answer were that they have return the trade because he said that he nly want test my things before the real trade.(I didn't agreed it but he send tradeoffer)
In the end, it is a outrageousness .
A TRADE IS A TRADE and that's it!

Ty for reading it. And be careful with trading ingame.