Greetings Rohanians!

We would like to announce that some changes will happen during this days, the changes that you will experience are the following:

* Since Saturday, October 28th until November 5th, in every GM event there will be a Halloween reward.

The rewards are the following:
- A raffle for 10 "Halloween Preservation Stone B" between all the participants of each GM event.
- There will be one winner of a Halloween Costume picked from the raffle between all the participants of each GM event.

- This raffles will be done after every GM event and the winners will be announced in the forum Halloween post.
- In the case of Quick Quiz event, there are only 5 winners, so each winner will have 2 "Halloween Preservation Stone"
- The rewards could be sent in a period of 24 hours.
- If you are lucky, you could win a preservation stone and a costume!

* This October 28th and 29th, the GMs will have the last glass trade, the rewards will be the same as the last week.

It will be your last oportunity to trade your glass! The event will be at 10:00 AM PDT each day.

* Also, we will have a boost of 100% drop since October 27th to 30th.

Enjoy Halloween in Rohan Origin!

Best regards