So .. I read the posts from the forum, and I decided to do a review.

1st: The game is not dead , the problem is that many players are wanting to get to the maximum level (my case) and are not want to do pvp now , as the map is large it seems that the game has few players but they are rising to level alone, or do the quests,and not all players have the same time available for the game.

2st: Item Mall : Item mall for me is pretty good , some players want to HK and MR but I can tell you that they are doing the right thing in not adding these items to the item mall as we are still at the beginning of the game and many players have characters with a low level I think this is to prevent that players with more level are going to start doing RPK, understand that we are still in the "Beta" and have patience, let them additional items in the item mall for steps.

3rd: Game : I played RohanBF and this is a game not totally different but with new things that makes us curious how that will work, and the new combos , don't expect a RohanBF think of it as a remake.In relation to the people who say that are lazy to climb their personagans level will playing and soon we see , shall not be the only ones who will not be at the maximum level btw with this quest items to level up its not that hard ( i say)

4: VIP : Don't think vip 10 , I think it was made to be Acquired over time

5: Don't want it all already ( maximum level , vip 10 , HK ,MR ) is a mmorpg get things step by step thats the point if u have all u will get boring faster

Sorry for any errors in English(grammar)