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  1. #1

    My Account on playrohan have been stolen!

    I am the real owner of ID: andrew250894
    Nick: Andrewwilson (Berserker) Rep: Rookie
    Server: Duran

    someone stole my account since last week, i've been trying to recover it, well long story, I did get my email account back but when I read the ticket I got so depressed, the GM Minotachi trying to help me, but what he didnt realized My tickets were real but the reply was not, someone been using my account remember? now I think all my equip are gone, and my pet, item mall everything is gone!

    just please recover my playrohan account and set it back to the hacker provided information is just stupid and false you should read it twice before you change my email recovery to, I will never change my email because all the game i've been playing, facebook, etc is connected only to

    the hacker created new email ""
    and GM Minotachi unblocked my hacked account and give it to the hacker, please GM cypress help me to get my account back! if u remember I am the one who ask you to fix my mail, because I cant get My fly black dragon from grabbit, and you help me really well at that time, just like in 2 hour problem was solved.

    now my account is hacked and recovery changed to the one who hacked my account, he even create a new email to trick the GM, please look at the IP address login in 1 month, I cant login to andrew250894 account since last week GM Cypress!

    and the worst thing that happen is the one who hacked my account know my paypal password, and buy some RPS with it, because the bank call me and told me theres a transaction going on with my credit cards, When I look at the receipt it seems the hacker have charge 25 usd to my account andrew250894, and used it, this is a crime, I need to know the IP ADDRESS of player who loogin with my account "andrew250894" I'm going to report this case to bank, and find who did this, so please help me GM.

    if u want the real prove we can skype, I can show u my identity card, and my passport if u dont believe me, just check through my account IP, and give me the list of history of the one whos using account andrew250894 this month, I will find who did it, and report it to the police if I have to.

    Andrew Wilson
    Last edited by Andrewwilson; 11-06-2016 at 02:32 AM.

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