I'm for a $10-15 monthly maintenance fee and an occassional extra influx of 60-80$'s for things like an upgraded weap.

I don't mind timed weapons, or any of that sort - but it's not worth it to me to spend more than '$15 maintenance cost per month on a 7y old game. Very much so since this is not the only game and those, too, require some money input here and there.
That $10-$15 is a given, it's a fixed cost/income (POV).

That $60-$80 I choose to either invest to buy another game or to buy something special like an upgraded weapon or new accessories or any of that kind.

Timed weapons? Sure, but they should be released simultaneously with upgraded sales (~$80) and the cost of these (timed weapons) should not exceed 2500 E-CASH