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  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by ronaldo01 View Post
    Ok to sum this up for you who are confused and did not understand why PJ dont want a new uppgrade sale with the epics stats or ubound weapons

    To keep the big spenders who bought their 3.0 uppgrades from leaving the game, why? cause selling the old uppgrades again or make perma premium weapons unbound now would give people the chance to compete with 1 thing that made the big spenders stronger than anyone else,

    So Yes Yes, let's keep the big spenders happy ( the 80 max of them ) and let's see how fun Rohan will be when the rest of the playerbase will slowly die and leave the game cause of the op epics,

    whaaaaat?? give new players weapons just a strong as the old uppgrades??? give new players a chance to kill the players who have been here since 2011?? Bring some balance beetween the players? thus giving them the same opportunity to kill eachother for the same pricetag??

    Balance? Fairness? screw that, lets give it up for our big spenders who kept the game alive for so long and wait for the game to die out about a year from now, now if you excuse me...i will go and buy shawns weapon on em so he dont leave the game lol...cause hey...we need to carebear our big spenders right?
    It breaks my old rohan heart to say this....but as much this seems to be a troll post, this guy is actually right.

    time to stop cuddling with the oldschool players and give the new generation a chance to take them off the mountain for a pricetag of Playwiths choice.

    ill rather spend 300$ on something that will give me a fair chance to kill any top tier player if my skill as a rohan player carries the same power as the weapon ( together with my accs, armor etc ).

    Premium weapons would be a great way for new players to feel usefull in pvp, bound perma weapons with stats inferior to the old uppgrades? thank you, people are crying over the old uppgrades on the forum like always, but we all know that if Playwith decided to be assholes and put the old upgraded weapons up again for 300$ they would make half a years income in 2 weeks.

    Cause believe it or not PenguinJoe, there is a new generation of big spenders on both jainus and isen that would pay whatever to be able to grab the top tier spot in this game and wreck the oldschool players who have been on the top way to long, These are probly same players who gives income to the people doing RMT, cause that is the only way they can even dream about having a char or a weapon to match the strenght of old uppgrades,

    I doubt rohans oldschool spender would drop 500$ in 3 weeks since most of them already have maxed out their mains, alts and toons, If PlayWith what to prevent alot of the RMT going on and get the responsible buyers money they would have to offer something that can match the source of the RMT today, Items that gives new players a fair chance to wreck the oldschool players, cause if they wont and let weapons be bound then the new players will most def turn to RMT insted to get a full acc with those perma bound weapons on it
    Last edited by tranquocvi1991; 06-27-2016 at 06:49 AM.

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