Quote Originally Posted by sunnyangel View Post
another delusional person how cute.

You have invested 5 minutes into isen and you think I am gonna throw 7 years of progress in the anus server out the window? come on man

The ppl on the anus server are heavily heavily invested isen is not an option.
BIG lol on this one. Jainus people are afraid of Isen players getting on their lvl, thus they cannot keep saying " isen the worst server " blablabla no more,

Time spent on a game, money invested on a game is ones OWN choice and should NOT be a contributing factor to what other players should be allowed or NOT allowed to get,

These Jainus people feel waaaaay to entiteld, Ofcourse all isen people want your damn uppgrade cause OMG JAINUS PEOPLE ARE SO COOL AND CAN TANK 300 PEOPLE WITH + 18 GEAR AND 3.0 WEAPONS, I WANNA BE JUST LIKE THEM WHEN I GROW UP!!

Get off your high horse and stop being afraid of new players getting the chance to whoop your ass with upgraded weapons, as the time you were granted them in the first place, these new players should have the same option,

For me its ok, i already have mace ready and done, and i also got a toon on Isen i log from time to time cause my guild on isen is awsome, but see me im not selfish like most jainus players who wants to stay superior to isen forever just so they can keep talking about how bad the server is,


Thank you in advance