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  1. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Betcha can't find me
    Quote Originally Posted by SerpeleRosu View Post
    A character cost a lot: pack + scrools and so on...
    So at the end you agree that it will cost more in long run... So how you will do? explain a bit... you will buy it only for 2 or 3 months? and then? you will buy a permanent one? or how? because if you buy a permanent one at the end, this mean you spent more: permanent + 3 months rental epics... this is bad business...
    I have a suggestion for you: if a character cost nothing like you say give me a 115 character for nothing and than you prove ur ideas.
    Or sell me an 115 character plus a 4x upg at a price to cover only the 4x upg.
    And than I agree with you...
    Again, you still don't seem to get it.

    1. To create and level a character costs you nothing unless YOU CHOOSE to buy scrolls, SES/ASES, equipment, pets and other things you need to pay for. You do not have to do so, but most people will because it is easier to do so. It is a choice. Nobody forces you to buy RPs.

    2. If you choose to spend money on these things each month, then you have an easier time of it. In my perfect world you can also rent an Epic weapon to make your PvE & PvP easier. But to rent it is up to you and what you can afford.

    3. If you have enough money and don't want to rent an epic in my perfect world, you may choose to purchase one of my perfect world one of my perfect world permanently character bound epics instead. They would be cheaper than buying & forging an upgrade (keep in mind that PW staff have already stated they do not intend to sell them anymore). I would suggest that they NOT be as good as the rental ones so that people will be enticed to rent theirs instead.

    4. If you are super rich and can find someone to sell you one, you can choose buy one of the tradeable Upgrade (whatever version) weapons from EM.

    In all cases in my perfect world it is a choice. It is up to you want to do - spend less now but more over the long run, or more now and less over time. But I will go a little deeper here.

    Not everyone has the kind of money to drop all at once to buy permanent upgrades/epics. For those that don't in the perfect world there are cheaper options. But at the end of the day the player is the one that chooses how they are gonna spend their money right now and over time. It is a choice just like everything else in this game.
    Last edited by PenguinJoe; 05-26-2016 at 11:00 AM.

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