So lemme preface this with the fact that I belong only to my guild. Sickology and for the most part I don't pvp unless people blindly atk my parties.

So, I keep seeing the following thing in game.

"There's no competition."

Im killed by the 4 or 5 top guilds on a regular basis. E2N, Lucid, FalseGods, 420, and their degenerate guild rebels which isnt really a top guild but if you kill rebels they typically call one of the other 4 to kill you.

Im constantly told "If you don't want killed by us (insert one of those 4 guilds) join us.

I don't want in any of the big 4 guilds my dekan is +11 my dhans +10. I got a lot of leveling to do before I even consider joining a big guild getting to the point of not caring if I dont exp anymore or not. Which would be around +40 or so.

While im in my guild certain people know me. They know who I am and will typically leave me alone. However some of my chars are guildless and are often said to be KOS alt chars. My dekans, and giant are two prime examples of this. They are guildless simply because I kill them so I can venge my party to my dhans locations. So I dont put them in guild just so I have this ability.

However all the guilds will kill them saying they are an alt for such and such guild.....

Now when it comes to accessories and the works.

GL getting bosses. The are camped and controlled by the top guilds. IF you manage to walk up on one. You better be able to kill it quickly otherwise just dont bother. One of the guilds camping it will probably be walking in find you killing the boss and skull fuk you then kos you for trying to "take their boss"

I recently tried to make a FD +12 and spent 150$ attempting this. It sits at +6 right now. No I dont expect it to be ez or 100% success but I wanna know what I need to spend to get them to that point.

Since I left and came back recently somethings that I have noticed. The forge rates are complete **** now. Enhancement rates are even worse. Deleveling items is terrible. This is over a period of a few months they have dropped the forge rates down stupid low.

As for the company running the game. You stand part in this issue for your lack of player base. I brought about 10 people to the game several months ago. Most of them quit before they hit 100.

Lack of sales when it comes to upgrades. Items NEEDED on this server to actually pvp is the worst of the problems. Several of them didnt have much of an issue when I said about 120$ or so for a GOOD weapon. However none of them were willing to dump 300-500$ on an upgrade. Since they didnt wanna pay those prices and upgrade parts sales weren't coming up.

They decided to move on. Saying that the game isnt bad. It needs some work. The company running it is trying to "fix" something by not selling things that already exist. That isnt fixing the game. Its setting impossible odds for new people joining the game.

New people dont wanna look and see oh great I need to spend a minimum of 1500$ to have a decent character. They just dont. If they were going to spend that much they would go to a much more popular game and buy an account there.

Rohan at this point in time doesn't have a growing player base. Which is sad cause the game is getting balanced and making other characters more viable all around in pvp. However its the accessories and gear needed to play that is the obnoxious part about this game.

So between the company making it impossible trying to isen the server and top guilds clinging to the top killing anyone that isnt in their guild calling them kos alts. The game is somewhat impossible to play or want to keep playing.

Things that would help this game flourish.

Making it so you can get walter medals. (To this date I have no idea how you even get them other than exchange market)
Selling Stat talismans OR being able to exchange them for one of a different stat.
Selling upgrade parts and or making 1-2 of them obtainable though quests in game.
Changing all boss spawn times to 1-3hrs + adding new boss spawn locations. I can think of a number of remote spots that you could put boss spawns that would make it impossible for all guilds to camp them.

Not to mention these people need to sleep maybe work / school. So other guilds will get their shot at boss drops. It would expand competition. It would give a bit more life back to the game.

Im not saying im quitting. At this point. I just dont think imma stick around too much longer. I do enjoy the balance patch(s). I dont however like the drought that is weapons and accessories needed for certain classes.

If you dont want upgrades go play isen. This server has them already sell the fkers.