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  1. #1

    Unhappy Help!! so many program crashes when I open seal online because of ntdll.dll

    I have searched the internet over this 2 - 3 weeks, but no result as how to fix my error...

    My error is as the Title says:
    1. I open AutoUpdatePlus.exe
    2. Click Start button, After that..
    3. Program like Comodo Firewal, Bandicam, Desktop Window Manager, etc etc is crashing AT ONCE that my computer became so laggy and then freezes sometimes
    The Seal Online game itself NOT crashing

    All of the program says the error fault name is the ntdll.dll

    I can play the Seal Online just fine, but you know.. if my firewall and antivirus is not running... I'm afraid some virus or malware will infect my pc...
    And I can't re-open the program that crashes, it will crash again saying because of the ntdll.dll
    I can't open some program window's program like device manager and event viewer
    I can't even open WINDOW'S CALCULATOR until I close the seal online ._.

    On my Laptop. It have the same program like Comodo Firewall and Bandicam running, They're NOT crashing like my PC when opening seal online

    My PC is:
    Windows 7 Ultimate Service Pack 1
    Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz
    64-bit operating system
    I have already install the latest driver for my AMD graphic card too

    Here is the video of how is my crashes looks like:

    Anyone might have same issues like me? Or any advice as how to fix this? I need help
    Last edited by akenoyuki; 05-01-2016 at 07:56 AM.

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