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Thread: Em - idea

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  1. #1

    Em - idea

    Introducing - Buy offers

    the thing that im missing in em is buy offers
    i mean when your looking for a item and you wanna pay a sertan amount
    its easyer for ether buyer and seller if there were buy offers...

    characters wil have a 5 lvl cap like
    i place a buy offer for a character i can select
    1-10 10-20 20-30 etc
    and with items the same , you can select the item you want to buy or chrones
    and you can never be cheated or whatever because its selected

    also it saves making kiosk to sell and item or spamming chat to buy an item with rp , i think it would improve the market allot and it wouldnt take days to sell your stuff on em , or to buy something

    the only part wich wouldnt be included is forged weapons and armors because of the stats
    but for general items / characters / chrones / pets it would be great
    Last edited by judenlala; 12-20-2015 at 02:30 AM.

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