Quote Originally Posted by buffersssssss View Post
Ok here goes iceyy's official best and worst GM lists.

Best GM:

#1: RedRyder--- The original OG of GMs. He gave us boomforce he gave us overpowered gear what a champ!

#2: Verenbaen--- He gets the community involvement award hands down. He had the most understanding of what this game needed.

#3: Euthen--- Another GM who put in a sizable effort to understand what the community needs. Except that one time he got a bunch of randoms together to talk about balance on skype, that was a big waste of time.

#4: Atzigan--- Jin compensation corruption scandal aside atzigan did a good job up until the end when he gave away free stuff due to being lazy and not doing enough research. Highlight moment was when he did CV event with a berserker and got rekt by moi.

#5: Sineida--- This one is a personal bias because I really only like sineida for being timely (probably the most productive GM) the only downside is that Sineida doesnt know anything about rohan I remember trying to teach him/her how to cast guild buffs. Aside from that hey sineida ran a lot of good fun events highlight moment for me was when sineida tried to run an impromptu last man standing event but did it in the soccer stadium with no MR so people kept venging in.

Worst GMs:

Disclaimer: this list is 1/2 satire 1/2 confirmed.

#1: Wensha--- My boi shawnc1186 tha legend managed to erp his way to some freeeeee stuff anyone remember that scandal?

#2: Rotreberque AKA BBQ--- The originator of the private boss summoning parties. As the devils advocate I have to say while unfair this really helped equalize the gear on both sides of the ongoing war which promoted more pvp and more IM purchases.

#3: Ampelius AKA Anya--- Anybody remember when he tried to win a LMS event organized by himself? Not to mention hanging out on the voice chat of a certain guild.

#4: RockHop--- SakiTR was his cousin and so he would give him some special treatments like free fishing derby wins (he was offline during the event and still won), kicked taku out of mock duck because taku killed SakiTR and his templar alt. Then ofc when taku goes on support the GM denies and closes the ticket.

#5: Randermirth--- Anyone remember when he kicked an entire guild out of summoning event during the 110 patch? lolz

I hope this is an informative explanation into how to be a good Gm....

all you gotta do is

1: Not be corrupt
2: Care about the community
4: Want to learn about how the game works from the experienced players. Dont be a sineida learn how guild buffs work (to be fair atzigan also didnt know how guild buffs worked sadface)
Im quite confused about these statements really. Why? First of all, Ampelius does everything he can to help out about the investigations that you KIDS don't know that they really are trying their best. And now you tagged him as one of the WORST GM's?

Another thing, Rotreberque summoned something and make it unfair to everyone? This is spreading out all through out the game and even here on forums without any proofs and yet YOU. Yes you, one of the KIDS here who knows nothing but to blame the GM's and yet you really don't know anything.

You know what? the only thing about what you said was about the GM Wensha. IT IS THE ONLY THING YOU SAID CORRECTLY. Again, that is the only truth that you said. NOTHING ELSE.

Try to give out evidence before giving out false accusations.