
Recently PlayWith Interactive, in a nod to player requests decided to sell upgraded weapons again in their Item Mall.

However it was quickly found out that the items being sold do not have the same attributes as those sold previously only a few short months ago. The player base here, especially those that have purchased the previous iterations of upgraded glacial weapons, are furious that they have paid $100 US and more for weapons that are apparently made obsolete in less than a year.

There have been several 'complaint' threads raised. It is hard for playwith interactive (pwi) staff to respond to them all. SAo I decided to create a thread here to help both pwi and the players here analyze this issue and get some of the burning questions answered in a single place.

Questions for PlayWith Interactive:

Why did PWI decide to do this? What is the reasoning behind it? Did PWI foresee the possible negative effects of this before committing to this plan?

What does PWI intend to do to compensate those that purchased the previous iterations of these upgraded weapons? Anything at All? If yes, can we expect to see details in the near future?

Questions for Players:

In light of this do you see your upgraded glacial weapons as obsolete? Why?

Do you still see value in the previous iteration upgraded glacial weapon you purchased?

If PlayWith Interactive does nothing about compensating you, what are you prepared to do about it? Will you continue to play their game?

If you do not currently have an upgraded glacial weapon, do you see value in the older iteration of them? Why?

Does this affect your enjoyment of this game in any way? If so, how?