Quote Originally Posted by Kenshine View Post
lol they aren't, the ship has sailed already. "Game balancing" is dead in the water. They're about to release rohan2 and shut this one down lol. lol he's probably just posted this for the sake of it just like that DD poll thread, and to milk out the two bastards still spending in before they finally shut it down.
It saddens me that you feel this way. Rohan 2( They even let me name it, hehe!) won't be out for a while, at least an international version anyway. Besides, I am going to put just as much energy into making that a great game as I am putting into this one to make IT a great game, again. I have several older players messaging me, curious about the direction the game is heading, offering me their opinions, thoughts and insights. I am researching my own information, but respecting the valid knowledge that my player base has and offers to me as well. I may not be able to make this as popular as it was in it's prime, but I certainly will try my best to do so.

Thank you to the players taking the time to vote, and to post their suggestions, opinions, and ideas. That is what I wanted with this poll. I'll probably leave it up for another week and take it down, so please continue with the votes!

See you in game!