Quote Originally Posted by Kenshine View Post
Blunt mastery is broken and needs fixing. Make it so that it doesn't scale with both magic + melee attack. People been saying this FOR years.
Agreed. Blunt mastery needs nerfed. This should be #1 priority.

Other things that would be nice to see...un-nerf human offhands. Only reason it was nerfed from 50% to 30% was because people were hitting 100dd...but they are doing it again anyhow, so un-nerf human offhands and just set a hard dd cap for each race...maybe 70dd for single weapon classes and 90dd for dual wield. Other than that I'd wait and see how the upcoming skills shake things up before making any more suggestions, but blunt mastery definitely needs nerfed or w/e else you do is a waste of time and effort.

And please...no new gears. All this amounts to is players spending more money on a broken game...I think you are about at the end of the road with that plan. Here is what you should do with gears...you should sell already forged upgrades that bind on equip with 70dd for 1krps/3kecash. Why? I think you guys ripped off just about everyone you are going to at this point that is going to spend hundreds of dollars on a single weapon...that is the flaw with pay to win upgrades...it happened the first time you sold them, and its happening again the second time. Some people are willing to spend that kind of money on a single pixel item, and the rest just quit.

If you make upgrades relatively cheap...as in not 3x the cost of just buying a new game with a big player base, an up to date engine, and actual dev support, you might be able to get some new players to actually stick around, and entice some old players into playing again. I know the people running the game have never thought of it in this manner, so let me lay it out for you. I was one of those guys that quit back in the day because of the old upgrades, started playing on Divinity when it was promised to be an upgrade free server, and I quit this game again when Ran/Jin merged. I'm never going to spend over 100 dollars for a single pixel weapon, and if not having one of those weapons means dropping 10 or 20 bucks here or there is going to be an irrelevant investment into the game, because people with those weapons will demolish me either way, I'm going to spend 0 dollars on this game. Do you want your average player who will maybe spend 10-30 dollars a month to spend that money here, or laugh at how ridiculously over priced this game is and spend 0 dollars instead, because dumping hundreds of dollars into gearing up a toon on a game that's on life support anyhow is not something many people are going to do.

Also...rates should be increased a bit and rings should be left as the pay to win item in the game. Here's why...if weapons that cost hundreds of dollars are the must have item...people who can't/won't get them simply quit. Upgrades are just that...if you try using a glacial you are just so bad its not even worth logging in. Rings on the other hand...its not an all or nothing type investment. You can spend a little and get +6 rings(provided you stop it with the rates that are so bad they drive people to quit), you can spend a moderate amount and get +12 rings or you can go full retard and get +18 rings. The difference is, the guy with the glacial isn't going to have fun playing with upgrade users, but the guy playing with the +6 rings is still good enough to have fun even if he's playing with people that have +12/18 rings.