Quote Originally Posted by rockyy9 View Post
Ok calm down girl I edited it, u all make similar names like why the fok would u name ur self abella when someone alrdy has a "priest" called abell.
Not because I named u wrong then my whole analyzes became wrong, stop the madness girl.
Because I had the char name first. Then 500000 other "bellas" arrived. In fact at one point there was up to 5 or more "bella" sounding chars all running around in game.

And I will get mad, cuz Im sick to death of my name being brought into stuff just because someone either gets their facts wrong, or gets the name wrong.

Ive lost count of the amount of times I've either been accused of something (to which I know nothing about) OR people wish to assume that they know me and what I do or dont do and then spread rumors around about me that are so ridiculous and so far from the truth that it makes my head spin. Or people hear 1 little thing about me and play Chinese whispers until that 1 little thing has been twisted and turned into something else all together. It eventually all gets back to me in some way or another and I'm left wondering are peoples lives really that boring that they need to make up sh1t about me and spread it around just for the hell of it?

Thing is, people should be smart enough here to know that if you don't know something or someone first hand and only have rumors or word of mouth facts to go by then you should just keep your mouths shut. But sadly you put my name here in the 2nd edit of this post (albeit a mistake) but with out knowing who was who and then slammed my name around for all to witness and then what do the people who are reading this do? Go around assuming sh1t about me again.

Do not analyze people and put it on public display if you do not know them and or facts.